Meeting Her

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"Okay guys so the last fan will be coming in soon good luck guys!" our body guard Jeff loves to mess with us so for the first time ever he decided to leave us alone with a he crazy!!??Right now it's me Calum, Ashton, and Luke waiting for a girl named Roxanne to come and meet us. She softly knocked on the door and I went and opened it for her. I saw her beautiful chocolate brown eyes and I thought I was in a dream.

"Hi guys, I'm Roxanne but you can call me Roxie. It's great to meet you." She was holding out her hand for me and the boys to shake and we did.

"So Roxie, you know all about us I'm sure so since your our last fan for the night as a special way to thank you for supporting us in our journey to fame we would like to learn all about you." Ashton always knew how to make a fan's night unforgettable.

"Oh um okay! Well let's make this a game!"

"Okay so how will we play?" Calum decided to ask in a British accent I hope the 1D boys won't be offended.

"Okay, so -Ashton can I see your hat?- I'm gonna put each of your names in Ashton's hat 6 times so each of you can ask 6 questions you can ask me anything you want. BUT! If I draw your name the other's get to draw one thing whatever and where ever they want to."

We all agreed to the rules and unfortunately my name was called first.

"Okay, so when's your birthday?" I could hardly ask my question cause Ashton decided to draw on my stomach where I'm very very ticklish.

"Actually Michael we share a birthday just 2 years apart I was born November 20, 1997." I was laughing so hard I almost didn't hear her say we shared a birthday.

"That's pretty sweet birthday buddy." I mentally slapped myself for saying that but it made her laugh and her laugh was really cute.


"Oh gosh, um do you have any tattoos?"

"Yep. I have a rose tattoo on my hip." (pic on the side or at beginning of chapter)

Cool she's into tattoos! Wait what is happening I'm getting excited over her liking tattoos because why? She's cute? Snap out of it Mikey come on get a grip!


"Would you ever dye your hair?"

"It is dyed. Oh wait I forgot about my hair being pulled back."

She let her hair down and I was captured by her beauty

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She let her hair down and I was captured by her beauty. Her jet black hair and turquoise highlights her milky white skin and her brown eyes were all beautiful. I think I'm falling in love with her.


"Which one of us would you like to date, and why?" The boys and I looked at him and he shrugged.

"Like seriously?"


"Michael, because he's sweet and funny and right now cause we have matching hair."

I blushed at her words and then she picked my name again.


"Would you like to go out for a coffee tomorrow morning, you know like a date?"

"Yeah, I'd like that."

We learned a lot about Roxie and she is the only fan that we have allowed to call us by our nicknames and wanting to continue being friends with her we all exchanged phone numbers. The boys and I went back to our hotel after Roxie left and I decided to text her and wish her a good night.

To: RoxieRoo <3

Hey, it was really fun meeting you tonight just remembered for our date tomorrow we could meet at the Starbucks two blocks from our hotel if ya want. Say around 11ish?

From: RoxieRoo <3

Starbucks at 11 sounds perfect Mikey. I'll see you there. ;) Good night Mikey. <3

To: RoxieRoo <3

Good night Roxie, sweet dreams.

After I sent her the text I turned off my phone and went to sleep. Well tried to sleep I couldn't get Roxie off my mind. After about an hour I fell asleep and had a nice dream about Roxie and I.


Word count 686 ;D My first 5S.O.S fanfic and I think it's pretty good.

Vote and comment my wonderful readers.


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