My Difference

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My power is impossible. I never realized how different I am when I was young and ignorant. Maybe it was because I chose to believe that I was special. Or maybe I thought being able to manipulate fire was normal. I mean, my brothers Jax and Coven had mild powers of water control, but nothing like me. My father could also subject water, and my mother could make the winds blow, but my strange occurrence of fire conduction? I have no idea how my talent is possible. I've only ever heard of our skills being hereditary.

      It started last winter. We were ice skating on the lake by our house, and me and Jax were playing tag. I was it, and started chasing after him.

      Keep in mind, he is much lighter than me. Coven was learning how to make ice spike projectiles from our father. I wasn't interested, and anyways the tactic would only work during the winter. I was also a bit jealous that his and Jax's powers had developed before mine, but I wouldn't admit it at the time.

      Jax skated onto fairly thin ice, and my father shouted a warning to him. "Jax, be careful! Stay away from the edge over there!" He gestured to the far side of the lake, which Jax was fairly close to. I brushed the warning away, and skated after him. I heard a loud bang, and assumed it was Coven and my father caught up in their lesson. I went a bit further, but stopped dead in my tracks as I saw Jax's stark white face. Then I realized where he was looking. Tilting my head down, I started to see the tell-tale cracks in the ice below me. I looked up, fear in my eyes, and didn't even have the time to muster a scream before dropping into the water.

      Under there... It seemed kind of... Peaceful. Then the unrelenting cold struck. It went deep into my bones, under my skin and engulfed me. All I remember is thinking: It's cold. It's so cold. Then... Warmth. I felt... heat. It started in my chest, spreading out through my veins. To my fingertips, My toes. My scalp tingled. My spine shivered.

I saw bubbles in the water. Tiny at first, and not too close together. They became larger, and more frequent. I stared in wonder, I didn't know what was happening. Then I felt what I should of much earlier. My lungs ached, and felt like they were going to burst. But... I couldn't find the hole in the ice I fell in. Banging and scratching at the bottom of the frozen lake, I saw my hand. Glowing. It was surreal. Like a dream. I thought; This isn't possible... Is this my... My power?! But... It cant be fire... Then I realized what the bubbles were.

      The water was boiling. All around me, I saw bubbles. Nothing else except for the occasional murky outline. And I heard... yelling. And felt a hand grab my arm, hoisting me out of the water, then jerking away In pain. Father yelled to Mum "Brisa! It happened!" She came running out of the house, clearly in a panic. Then I saw the flames. Rippling up and down my skin, spreading out in small intricate patterns. Mother tried blowing me out with her wind, and Father sprayed endless spouts of water on me, but the wind only fed the fire and the water evaporated before it even touched me.

     I know what you're thinking. That there hasn't been a Maniflare in several millennia. And if you don't know what a Maniflare even is, well you didn't read the dictionary of this book, did you?

      After this incident, I started to see more differences between me and my family. For one, my brothers had light brown hair and blue eyes. Icy, beautiful blue eyes, like the sky on a cold winter's day. I, however, had bright red hair and murky green eyes, like the fur of the marshlumbers that live the next town over.

      My parents didn't know what to do with my newfound ability, or how to handle my sudden awareness of how unalike we are. Heck, even our personalities were different. I was shy, and only close to some people. My Father, Mum, and even my brothers were outgoing and kind, warmhearted to everyone around them.

      This all led up to today, the day before my sixteenth birthday. And I have big plans for tomorrow night. Big, big plans. I needed to find answers. Answers to the hundreds of questions whirling around my head. And my plan was sure to help answer them.

So there's the first chapter! I am very excited for this book. Dunno if I will add romance or not. Depends on what the people say. Anyways, enjoy the next chapter which I have (very slowly) written for you!

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