Question one: What about Bryce?

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      Crickets chirped, loud and clear. Leaves crunched under my feet, crisp and crinkly. I trekked on, the moon giving only a little bit of light to guide me. Flicking my hand, I watched as flames sprung up, flickering up and down in a transfixing haze.

The cold air ran through my lungs, leaving me full of energy and exhilaration. Flames lighting my way, I ran past the small huts and sheds that housed the other people in our village. We are a small, poor community but we all know each other. It can be bothersome, especially when you don't want to be recognized.

As I ran, I passed a familiar house. It was Bryce's, he is one of the people in my school, and I've been to his house a couple times for small parties, along with just going to hang out. Almost everyone at my school throws a party during breaks, and he is basically my only friend, so he's one of the only people I would go with, and one of the only people I would miss.

      I thought about telling him I was leaving, and I was torn.

     I probably shouldn't tell him. Then he would ask to come with me, and that isn't what I want for him. I decided to think on it.

•^^Time skip cuz of laser shooting kittens^^•

      I walked through the halls, looking for my next class. I just couldn't seem to find the classroom for Studies of the Elementals, and the bell was about to ring. Just then, I ran into someone. "Oh sorry, I didn't see you there. I must have zoned out." I said, laughing nervously. "It's no problem. I wasn't looking where I was going." He said, brushing it off like it was nothing. "I'm Bryce Hillam. Nice to meet you." He said, sticking his hand out. "Emberlan Spirous." I reply, grabbing it. As I shake is hand, I look closer at his appearance. He has brown curly hair, cut kind of short, with eyes that look like dark chocolate. "No offense," he says "But you look hopelessly lost." Ding ding ding we have a winner. "Um, yeah.." I say, trailing off at the end. "Do you know where Studies of the Elementals is?"I ask, as the bell suddenly lets out a loud jarring noise which I hate with all my heart and soul. "Just point me in the right direction, I don't want you to be late." I say. "No it's not a big deal. I have a free period." He says. "Lucky! My free period is final period." I exclaim. "Let me walk you to the class." He says. We walk around the corner in the hallway and he stops. "Here we are." "WHAT?! YOU MEAN TO TELL ME I WAS THIS CLOSE TO IT?!" I yell, as he bursts out laughing. "Yeah, you probably walked right past it." He says, chuckling at the same time. "DANGIT! Mph.. I'm an idiot.." I say. "No, it's perfectly reasonable. You have no idea how many times I got lost on my first day." He says, wiping away a fake tear. "Anyways, I'll see you later Emberlan. How about lunch? He asks. "Sure" I reply almost immediately. I just made my first friend.

I jump out of my dream, hearing some twigs snap. Luckily I was up in a tree, so the person couldn't see me.

Looking closer through the foliage, I recognized Bryce's mom stepping out of the house. I stayed stock still as she took care of what she was out there to do, then went back inside. That was when I decided I needed to tell him. So I quickly climbed across to another tree, getting closer to the top floor, where I could see his window and a figure moving around inside the dark room. I jumped onto the over hang that goes over their back porch, crawling to the window and knocking lightly, three times, then two, then five. That was our secret knock that only we knew.

I saw the figure quickly move towards the window and slide it open. There stood Bryce, only with some shorts on, shirtless. I looked away, heat creeping up the base of my neck. "Um hi..." I said, my voice wavering. I was still a bit shy around him.

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