Singing in the Woods

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I like to think of myself as a rational person. But in reality I'm not. I should be looking anywhere other than the oracle, because everyone who has gone to her has either gone crazy or never returned. The former ramble on, about gnomes with sharp teeth and faerie huts made of dead animal skeletons.

And I'm terrified.

The only thing keeping me going is Bryce, with his light spirits. I'm extremely jealous of him as well, because he doesn't need to do any walking. He's an Erlanthrol, and he can just sit down and move the earth to his will. Being a Maniflare has its benefits as well, but there's a reason I have few friends and low self esteem. I am constantly bullied and picked on, less than before now that I have people who defend me.

I have no idea why Rolland targets me of all people. I had never even spoken a word to her for years, and then all of a sudden she was just there. No warning, nothing. Bullying, saying I was a freak, I wasn't worth the special classes I was placed in for my ability.

And this went on for a couple years, before I met him. Bryce changed my life, I couldn't thank him enough. Speaking of Bryce, he was belting out an outrageous song about some duck that walked up to a lemonade stand. I prefer the one about the quiet frog that suddenly croaked.

"Bryyyyce" I say, in a pouty sort of manner. "Stoppit, that song is not as good as the frog one. "Of course it is Em, it's the best song in the world in fact. And don't tell me the one about the frog is good, it's just the same four lines over and over again." "I DONT CARE IMMA SING IT NOW" I scream. "Oh god..." he says, rolling his eyes. "I HAD A FROG, A VERY QUIET FROG, IT NEVER EVEN LAUGHED WHEN I JOKED BUM BUM BUM
I HAD A FROG, A VERY QUIET FROG, TILL ONE DAY IT SUDDENLY CROAKED BUM BUM!" I screamed, he just covered his ears the whole time. "I hate that song now." He said, and I faked a hurt expression, holding a hand on my heart. "What do you mean? It's amaze sauce!" "Amaze sauce? Where do you get these things from?" "It's like a mix of amazeballs and awesome sauce. The most bestestest thingathing in the planet." I say, with the worst grammar ever because I'm that awesome.

"You are the most weirdestest thingathing in the planet..." he says, and I just smiled. "Thank you for noticing." We continue walking and cracking jokes for a while, until it became dark and the autumn weather was no longer pleasant, but extremely cold.

"Here is as good a place as any to stop" Bryce says, and I agree. So we set up camp, a tent I had brought with me, and I rolled out my blanket and bundled my small frame into it like a burrito. "Imma burrito now. You may call me Sir Burrito Knight," I say, because a tired Emberlan is a strange Emberlan.

"You are so weird" he says, sitting down next to me inside of the tent. "There's a reason I talk to rocks" I say under my breath. "What?" "NOTHIIING" I screech. "Oh Jesus Christ Em, do you have to attract every animal for a mile?" He says, rubbing his ears. "Mayyybe. And I am not this 'Em' you speak of. I am Sir Burrito Knight."

"Well Sir Burrito Knight should go to sleep. Because that is what Bryce is doing." "Sir Burrito Knight will only go to sleep because she wants to. Not because you told her. Hmph." "Whatever you say..."

#^•Le dream of Dreamy Drum•^#

Walking through the halls of school, clutching my books to me with my head down, I would give anything for the day to end. But sadly I still had lunch and needed to avoid Rolland for the rest of the day after that. Her and her so called "friends" are horrible excuses for human beings. But I had to just keep that to myself, or I would have more than the few bruises on my stomach. Speak of the devil, and ye shall appear. There they are. "Hey dweeb!" Yells Rolland. The queen bee. With her curly black hair and 'oh so pretty' blue eyes. I kept quiet and stopped walking, looking to her and her clowns. They wear so much makeup they might as well be. "Where's that homework you promised me yesterday?" She asked, in her
high-pitched voice that seemed to be one of a dolphin going through puberty.
"I- I'm sorry Rolland, I can't finish all of my work and your work every day. I don't have enough t- time. B- but I'll have it tomorrow, I p- promise!" "Oh sweet, sweet little Emberlan. I needed that homework for today, or my grade will drop to a C, and that won't be good, now will it?" "N- no Rolland, b- but please! I didn't do anything w- wrong!" By this time, a crowd had started to form. I probably looked pathetic, standing there holding my books so tight my knuckles turned white. "Sorry isn't gonna cut it, darling. Lets see that you get taught a lesson." She walked up to me and slammed me against the wall. Of course, she didn't need to do anything but use the wind. Her icy blue eyes stared into mine menacingly, before she snapped he fingers and her side kicks jumped into action. Pillars of rock jumped out of the ground, pinning me to the wall, as several more started pelting me with force, hitting my stomach, face, arms, everywhere. I closed my eyes, tears streaming down my face, bracing myself for a large impact. When nothing happened, I opened first one eye, then the other to see I had been surrounded by a wall of rock. There was another person on my side, most likely the creator of the wall. From the look of it the person appeared to be male. He turned to me, revealing himself as the person I had met earlier, Bryce Hillam. He removed the pillars pinning me to the wall, and I dropped to the ground, my long hair covering my face as tears continued to stream out of my swollen eyes. I stayed there, slumped on my knees, for quite a while. I finally found the strength to look up at my savior, and he gave me a pitiful look. "I don't want you to feel sorry for me. I deserve it anyways," I seethed through my teeth. "No one deserves what I just witnessed. And something tells me this isn't the first time this has happened. So I'm taking you to the nurses office to get you checked out, then you will tell me everything about what happened there."

Welcome back to my story!
I'm extremely sorry about the slow updates. I've just been real busy this summer, and of course school is starting in a week.
Song lyrics this time cuz I'm obsessed with this song
"She asked me son, when I grow old
Will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone, will you
Take care
Of me?"
~House of Gold, 21 Pilots
Alright that's enough with that.
Thank you for reading my friends, enemies and acquaintances. InkSwirls says BYEEEEEE!

Goats are like mushrooms. If you shoot a duck, I'm scared of toasters.

If you know where that's from we are best friends now.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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