The After Party

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      My eyes flickered open, to see some sky-blue ones. Startled, my head jolted up, and connected full force with Jax's, and he fell back on my bed, cracking up and rolling around, tangling in the sheets.

      "Jax! How many times have I told you not to wake me up like that!" I said, giggling lightheartedly. "Happy birthday Emmy!" he squealed, jumping up.

      He was so cute. Nothing like his twin. Coven was way too serious.

      I pushed him out of my room, still laughing, and threw on some clothes. I ran down the stairs and sped to the kitchen, where the rest of my family was eating breakfast.

      My dog Duramax was under the table, staring at Father, begging for his bacon. I had to stifle a laugh at the sight of a giant German Shepherd wagging his tail and looking at the bacon with such longing.

      "G'morin" I say, rubbing my eyes. Jax comes bowling down the stairs, catching Duramax's attention. His head shot away from the bacon and his ears perked up.

      "C'mon Max!" Jax says. "And bring your ball! We're gonna play fetch!" "Oh no you aren't young man! Come eat and clean up. Then you may go outside" mum exclaims. Jax groans, and Max goes back to staring at Father.

      I went into the kitchen, and started serving myself some food. Jax came up behind me and grabbed a plate. I scooped some eggs onto my plate, alongside the bacon I had placed on it earlier and headed to the dining room to eat.

(Time skip brought to you by the lazy author.)

     "Happy birthday to youuu...." My family sang, drawing out the last line of the song. "Cha cha cha!" Jax added to the song, and I blew out the candles. "What didja wish for Emmy?" Jax asked. "I'm not supposed to tell you, silly!" I joke. In my mind, I think to know where I actually came from. But I would never say that aloud.

The thing is, for some strange reason I knew that Mum and Father weren't my real parents. They looked different, spoke different, and had different powers. I needed to find the truth.

*•Time skip brought to you by skipping time•*

I packed up the few personal belongings I had in a duffel bag, shoving in several changes of clothes and a blanket. I snuck down to the kitchen, looking out of the window at the full moon that always appeared on the night of my birthday, saying a silent prayer.

I grabbed the loaves of bread and blocks of cheese that I left on the counter earlier, along with my never-ending water skin. This is sure to be a fun journey. I thought, sarcastically mind you, to myself.

      I slipped out of the door, stealthily pulling up my hood and running through the forest to the old Oracle's place. They say she is a crazy old bat that has skin like leather and eyes like a snakes, but I will go through anything to find out about my origins. I need to find the truth.

So there was the second chapter. Sorry it was so short, I wanted to get it out.
Anyways, I'm hoping this will turn out well.
Quote for the chapter:
"Beauty begins
the moment you decide
to be yourself." -Coco Chanel

And as always, be crazy friends, enemies and acquaintances. Ink Swirls says bye.

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