Chapter 4

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Alexa woke up the next morning around 10 to a knocking on her door.

"Who is it?" she asked sleepily

"Chase" he said opening the door "hey baby"

"Oh yeah, hi" Alexa said quietly

"What's wrong?" Chase asked

"We have to break up. I found my mate, I'm so so sorry." she said in a rush

He smiled at her "it's okay, I was coming to tell you I found mine."

Relieved that he wasn't hurt she smiled and gave him a hug "Have you told your family yet Lex?"

"Not exactly.."

"How long have you known?"

"A few days."

" need to tell them!"

"I will eventually"

" will now. C'mon let's go. They need to know"

"Oh my god fine. "

She got out of bed and walked downstairs to see her mom and dad eating breakfast at the table.

"Hey guys" she said with a small smile
"I have something to tell you"

"What's up honey?"

"Well...I uh...I found my mate."

"Oh my god honey!!! I'm so happy for you. Is it chance?"

"No it's not.."

"Well who is it?" all three asked in unison.


"Like the alpha Hunter?"

"Uhm..yes..that would be the one"

After a long minute of silence her mom smiled "I'm happy for you sweetie. You need to pack go and pack. Its Saturday. Theres nothing else going on"

"Yes momma. Bye chance!" she said turning and going back to her room.

She started to pack her things when her phone went off

Hey Baby girl

Hey Hunter, guess who's packing?

Well that was fast

Yeah my parents don't waste much time.

Okay well, I'll come over in what? An hour?

Yeah, an hour will be good. I'll see you then

She shut her phone off and spent the next half and hour finishing up her packing, sat her suitcase by the door and laid down on her bed saying her mental goodbyes to her room

Why Me Alpha?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz