Chapter 6:The Backstory III

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The next day we got even more as a total: $45.50! We came home ever so happy, and Mrs. Miller was very pleased with us.

We started to street perform daily, and the more and longer we performed, the more money we received.

But, as we performed daily, we noticed that there would also be a woman, who played on the piano, would often come to play it around noon time. She was quite talented, and seemed to be aged from about 30-40 years old. She had jet black hair (coming out of a rectangular shaped head) that was somewhere between her shoulders and the middle of her back. Piercing, green eyes with a sinister sort of lustre. Usually a dark-coloured ankle-long, fluffy fur coat, with high heeled ankle boots. She was quite tall, and had such a simple yet eye-catching outfit.

But we also noticed that as we were performing and earning for our family, she was getting even less money and even less attention. It was sad but we couldn't help it.

Then, one day, after we'd finished our morning performance and were on our break, she stood up from her piano and made her way over to us.

We saw a shadow suddenly form overhead, and when we looked up we were startled. We tried to hide it, but she quickly caught on. Probably because I actually jumped when I saw her.

'Hello...girls. My name is Lady Diane. No need to be frightened. I'm just a fellow street performer, only here to gain, like you. I see you girls are very...good at what you do, much like everyone else who is generous enough to donate to you.' She forced a smile so that she bore all her straight, pearly white teeth. For someone of her age, she seemed to have good dental hygiene. My sisters and I huddle closer together, not trusting her smile or patronising voice.

'Yes, I see that you have been blessed with talent, so, I've been thinking...why don't we pair up? Perform together daily, or whenever it works for you? We would be a great act, and since I am older and more experienced, I could protect you from any future dangers that you may have the misfortune of facing. And at the end of the day, we could split the money half and half. So, what do you say? Yes?' She smiled again and held out her hand for us to shake in agreement.

We hesitated, not knowing what to do. Then Brittany bravely spoke up.

''s a very...kind...offer but we can...we can protect ourselves. Plus, we've been told to not have encounters with others, and we can't possibly go against our rules...'

Lady Diane's smile and hand dropped gradually.

'So...thanks, but no thanks' Brittany smiled nervously, with her arm protectively around Eleanor, who was in the middle of both of us.

Oh, how grateful I am for Brittany! If I were alone, I would've said yes even before she had finished asking the question!

I guess she also knew that the payment would be unfair and uneven.

'What?' Lady Diane said in a monotone voice. Her face was now stony, grey and scary. 'How could you ungrateful rats say no?'

We simultaneously took a step back, because we knew that something was about to go down...

'I've been performing on this same street for nearly two years now, and, even though I've used actual talent, I've earned nothing but ignorance, criticism and a few quarters, but the second you pipsqueaks come along, you get big bucks per day?! Hah, I don't think so! Either you work with me now and things will go smoothly, or you go solo and I will make life difficult for you.' She growled through gritted teeth, as she leaned into us. We could see the anger burning in her eyes, so if we didn't accept her dodgy offer, we would really be in for it.

'We've said no once, so we're not going to say it again' Eleanor calmly replied which sort of shocked us all, even Lady Diane.

She huffed and puffed, as we nervously watched with wide eyes. Then she straightened up, brushed down her coat and composed herself. Then she clenched her fists and turned around. But, as she did, she muttered something before she stormed off.

We stared after her, paralysed yet trembling  with fear and wondering what would happen as a result of the decision that we chose to make.

After brainstorming long and hard, I came to the conclusion that she said:

'Don't worry, I will make your life hell.'
Omg I haven't been here in ages...I am SO SORRY. But guys...

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K VIEWS❤️💙💚💖💜💚😊😍😘🙏🏾!!! I never would've even IMAGINED getting this many views and this much love😭💜. No words can describe the joy and bliss I'm feeling right now. My full thank you note is on my other book, if you want more info. But guys I can't even...😭💜. You're all so special and important to me at least so never feel otherwise❤️💙💚💖💜💚. Love you ALL 💞. Thank you for the votes comments and support also, it means so much to me😊💜. All I can say is... I totally appreciate all of your support and help😭❤️💙💚💖💜💚.

Love from a very happy ~JeanetteOladimeji~



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