Ch.1-Mystery Boy

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A man with purple hair was looking down at his phone, adjusting his black glasses every once in a while. His hazel eyes looked tired as he fished around in his lilac hoodie for some earbuds. He soon remembered that they were in his carry on, and gave up, not really that desperate for music. Putting his elbow on the arm rest, and placing his head on his hand, he sighed and looked around. "Flight 164 from Idaho to California, please get ready for boarding!" An overly cheerful woman said over the intercom, earning some groans from some surrounding people. Harley sighed and rubbed his face, slightly upset he didn't have time for a power nap. Or to swing by Starbucks. He could kill for some coffee. He got up from his warm seat, grabbing his carry on and ever so slowly made his way to the gate, where a man with a fake smile was waiting to scan his ticket.
Soon enough, Harley was settled into a different seat. Silently hoping no one would take the seat next to him, he opened up a random app to make time go faster. One thing pulled his eyes off of his game. A guy with beautiful blue hair walked by and sat in the row diagonal to Harley, smiling at the purple haired boy who quickly returned it back. Harley looked back down at his phone just in time to see it die. Oh well. Time to sleep. Closing his eyes and studying his breathing, Harley was on the verge of going to dream land. A loud man startled him, and Harley shrank, feeling his clothes get bigger. Mentally calming himself and saying there was nothing wrong, and there was no reason to shrink, Harley looked up at the scene folding out near his seat. An older man was screaming at an air hostess, and pointing accusingly at the blue haired boy from earlier. "I can't sit next to that man! He's obviously a gay and I don't want him hitting on me!" Ugh. A homophobe. The two made eye contact and he looked terrified, pleading with his eyes for help. Soon enough, their contact was broken, and the air hostess was asking the young man to move. Harley tensed as the guy collected his bag and made his way over to his seat. A quiet "Hello?" was all he could hear. "I'm sorry to interrupt you or something- but uh- I was wondering if I could sit next to you? You-uh- saw what happened at my seat and-uh-yeah-" He cut himself off, giving Harley a sheepish smile as he finally made eye contact again. He slowly adjusted his beanie, while Harley adjusted his glasses. It was awkward, but he wanted to help Mystery Boy.

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