Ch.2-Getting to know him

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Damn he was cute. A black beanie was sitting on top of an ocean of blue hair, making him look like a prince. With pale skin and dull grey eyes, he seemed nervous. His lanky figure was squirming in the seat, blue jeans making a small swishing noise every few moments. His plain grey shirt was framing his body perfectly, and his black army boots made a small and quick paced rhythm as he tapped the plane's thin carpet. Harley noticed his black snake bites and black pearls on his ear lobes, admiring the simplicity and how they complimented the boy. Deciding to be brave, Harley started a conversation. "So what brings you to California?"
His jaw tightened as he made eye contact with Harley. "I-uh-am going to college. Yo-u?"
Harley's face lit up. "I'm going to college too! Blue Ivy?"
The boy's jaw loosened and his smile was soon apparent, lighting up the plane. "Yeah! I'm going to be a-" The boy must've noticed how excited he was, because he calmed himself down. "A fashion major. I'm going to-uh-be a fashion major. What are you studying?"
"I'm a music major! I play the viola and want to join an orchestra!" The boy smiled again, this time more hesitant, but soon it got awkward. "What's your name?" The boy perked up at the question, making quick eye contact with his purple haired friend. "My name is Victor, but you can call me Vic."
The two filled the 6 hour flight with endless conversation, sharing themselves and quickly learning that they were destined to be friends. Victor explained how he was supremely shy, and was moving state to find a better college education. He was questioning his sexuality, and loved to read and write online. He quickly mentioned this thing called g/t (Giant and Tiny) but stopped once Harley gave him a weird look.
Harley told him the basics, that he was Pansexual and loved to play Mozart. He was a dog person, and changed his hair color every once in a while to spice up his appearance. He didn't mention his sizeshifting, but stiffened up when Victor mentioned g/t. Vic didn't know...did he? Judging by Victor's reaction, he didn't, and quickly changed the subject. "Please buckle your seat belts! We're arriving in L.A. soon" The intercom was fuzzy, but the two understood, clicking the belts on. Victor was squirming once again, and Harley offered him a hand. Victor slammed his hands around Harley's, gave him a fake smile, and stared forward.

SizeshifterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon