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I walk out of my last class and try to run out of the school as fast as I could. "Hey Kat!" I heard a voice call. I stopped in my tracks and squinted my eyes waiting for him to hit me. "What's wrong?" I heard the voice say again. I opened my eyes to find Grayson standing looking worried. "Oh I thought you were...... nothing. Everything is fine." I said putting my head down and walking away.

"No wait!" He said running after me. "Are you gonna walk home?" He asked. "Yeah I don't have a car." I said. "Oh. Let me drive you home." He said smiling. "Thanks." I said looking up and smiling.

I follow him to his nice car and get in the passenger seat. The seats were leather and nice and I loved it. I ran my hands over the seat's material and admired it. He got in and saw me admiring his car. "Like it?" He asked chuckling. "I love it." I said while I continued to run my hand over the material.

"Thank you" he said starting it up. "So where's your house?" He asked. "It's an apartment." I said looking out the window. "Oh okay. Well can you show me where it's at?" He asked. "It's only a few blocks from here, turn right." I said pointing to the right of the parking lot exit.

We finally arrived after a few minutes from me pointing out which direction he needs to go. "That's a lot faster than walking." I said smiling. "Yeah that's why man made cars." He said. "I haven't been in one in a long time." I said looking down again.

"Well if you ever want to ride in one, call me." He said. "Thanks." I said opening the door. "Want me to pick you up tomorrow morning?" He asked. "Um if it's not too much trouble." I said. "Nah I always need time to kill. Be ready by 9 and I'll text you when I'm here." He said. "Thanks" I said getting out of the car. "See you tomorrow." He called out from the window of his car. I waved goodbye and walked into the entrance of the apartment. They were small, but it was nice because I had a nice old couple living a floor beneath me.

"Hi Katherine" I heard the old lady say. "Hi Mrs. George." I said smiling and walking past her to the elevator. The doors closed and I pressed the button to the next floor and got to my apartment.

Today I felt a little lonely so I decided to take out my phone and text Grayson.

Me: heyyy

Grayson: hey

Me: I'm really bored :(

Grayson: Ethan is annoying the crap out of me

Me: Lol

Grayson: Wanna come over? Or I can come there. Whatever is cool with you.

Me: Idk where you live..

Grayson: right. I'll be there.

A few minutes later he came and knocked on my door. "I'm so glad you texted me because Ethan was getting on my very last nerve." He said. "Welcome to my home." I said making a small path for him to walk. "This is nice" he said looking around and admiring the decor. "Thanks. I try" I said sitting on the couch. "Wanna sit?" I asked. "Sure" he said sitting beside me.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked.
"I don't know. Hey let's get to know each other"
"Okay" I said. He put his finger on his jawline as he thought of something. "Ah what's your favorite color?" He asked. I giggled and answered "Purple" I said. "That's Ethan's favorite. Mine is Orange." He said

A/N yes I realize that orange might not be his favorite color and Purple might not be Ethan's. Don't say anything but this is fiction. Thank you :)

"I like orange." I said smiling. "I like you" he said. Instead of butterflies, I felt confused. "Oh...." I began. "Oh I'm sorry. I know we just met but I actually like you." He said trying not to stumble over his words.

"Wow um... I don't know what to say..." I said shocked. "Tomorrow... at school... don't leave my side. I don't want that guy hurting you." He said. I nodded my head and hugged him. We released from the hug and started watching movies. Eventually I fell asleep on the couch.

The next morning I woke up and found myself in my bed. Grayson must have carried me upstairs. I checked the time and saw I was late. "Oh crap" I yelled running to my closet and grabbing clothes. I got ready and went outside to wait on Grayson at exactly 9.

He pulled up and put his phone back down when he saw me waiting. I jogged to his car and got in. "Hey. Sorry I look a mess." I said buckling my belt. "No you don't." He said starting the car. "I woke up late so now I look like crap. And thanks for putting me in my bed." I said. "No problem." He said pulling out of the parking lot.

We got to school and my body tensed while thinking of the things that could happen. I felt his hand touch my shoulder in comfort. "Don't worry.... I won't leave your side." He said. I nodded my head and got out of the car.

"What's up Kat?" I heard him say. "Hi." I said playing with my finger and trying not to make eye contact. He smirked as he walked past me, probably trying to plot what he was going to do to me.

"It's okay. He won't hurt you as long as I'm around." I heard Grayson say as he stood close to me. I nodded my head and walked beside him in the halls. I opened my locker and saw that Blake didn't come to harass me today. Instead, I saw Grayson smiling at me while I got my stuff out of my locker.

He walked close next to me while I went to my next class and he hugged me bye when I got to my class. I walk in and see that everyone was actually in class on time. "Good morning" the teacher said. I sent him and small smile and sat in my seat in the back of the class.

"Um Ms. Reeves, can you come to my desk for a moment?" He asked as I sat down. I got up and walked to his desk and I felt like everyone's eyes were on me. I got to his desk and he handed me a paper that had a score of 102 on it. "This was your last test..." he began. "You've made exceptional grades since you got here and I think it would be best to put you in advanced English before the first semester is over" he said smiling.

"Wait isn't that class filled with... seniors?" I asked. "Yes, ma'am. And you are the perfect fit. Congratulations." He said. He opened his desk drawer ad pulled a sticky note and a pen out. He wrote down a number 120 on it and handed it to me. I read the number and looked at him confused. "What's this?" I asked. "That's the classroom you'll be in." He said. "Wait I'm going today?" I asked. "Yes. Thank you for being a part of my class. Here's a pencil."  He said handing me a pencil that had Congrats! Written on it in fancy lettering. "Thanks." I said as I walked out of the classroom.

So today I swapped from Sophomore English to Senior English. Wow.

I walk in my classroom and look around to see no familiar faces except his.... Blake. He saw me and smirked as I walked in. "Hi you must be Ms. Reeves. Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" She asked in a happy tone. I cleared my throat as everyone brought their eyes to me.

"Umm... hi. I'm Katherine and I'm 16." I said. "She was swapped from Sophomore English to senior English. Hopefully she will be a good influence on some of you. Please take a seat by Mr. Lively" she said motioning me to the seat right next to Blake.

I slowly walk to the seat and I finally sit down, setting my bag next to my desk.

"Looks like it's just you and me, princess"

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