three // can't stop thinking about you

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"Uhm, I guess I'll get your number too then?"
I giggled as I saw how awkward Manu felt. "Come on Fay, let's go find our hotel", I helped Manu to get away from my friend, aka the typical fangirl.

Manu gave me a little smile as he noticed what I was trying to do. I blinked at him.

Suddenly, a butterfly circled around my head. I was really confused and looked up to see the butterfly up close. It was marshmallow-pink with little white stains on it's wings, that looked like freckles. "Wow," I muttered, while looking at the butterfly, since I had never seen such a beautiful one. Manu was also amazed by the butterfly. "It is so pretty, it looks like it came straight out of heaven.." he said, while giving me his irresistible smile. "It looks a bit like you", he said. I melted in place. How sweet is he? "Amelie, we've got to go", Fay said, rolling her eyes. "See you..." I whispered at him.

"See you, butterfly"

For the rest of the day, it seemed like everything went right. We found our hotel really quick, it was only a 5- minute walk from the beach.

We had a very beautiful room, with two kingsize beds, and a bathroom with marble tiles. I worked 6 months for this trip... And I couldn't wish for a better person to spend this two weeks with!

I turned around to smile at Fay and tell her how happy I was, but when I looked behind me, I saw her staring out of the window, resting her elbows on the railing. I came closer to her, but I felt something wasn't right. "Fay-..." I began to speak, while putting my hand on her shoulder. She turned her head towards me, and tears were streaming down her face. "What?", she muttered.
I was really shocked. "What's wrong with you?! Are you okay?" "Do you expect me to be okay?" she frowned her eyebrows and wiped her tears with her sleeve. "I'm afraid I don't understand you I-"

"Oh so you have no idea why I'm crying?" Suddenly the tone in her voice changed, to angry. "You've been my best friend for over 14 years and you have no idea?" New tears came streaming down her face. I wanted to say something, but she kept talking. "It's obvious that Manu likes you. He doesn't even like me at all! I began talking to him and he just ran away! Do you know how I felt? And all you did was smile because he came back to you. Thanks for the support!"

"Fay I didn't have any idea that you thought about it that way... I am so sorry" I hugged her.

"No Amelie I'm sorry I act so stupid.. I know you don't even like Manu at all... And if you noticed that he likes you, you would say no ofcourse, that's the girlcode." She started smiling. "I know you find him an annoying jerk," she said.

My eyes whidened as she said these words. "You're right" I stuttered. She pulled me into a tight hug, but I wasn't sure about what I said. Do I like him? Was everything I thought about him earlier a lie? Was he actually as sweet he seemed to be? No Amelie, you're not in love with him. He's just an ordinary handsome boy, who just wants attention from all the girls.

But I just can't stop thinking about his eyes. And the way he rushed his fingertips down my arm, the way he bit his lip, how he called me butterfly,...

"Well, I'm really glad we sorted this out! Now we can fully enjoy our vacation!" "Yes, I'm already looking forward to it!" I decide to no longer worry about Manu and just enjoy what's happening right now. "I am going to take a shower, maybe you can already go downstairs and explore the hotel, since it is really massive!"

"Great idea! I'll see you in half an hour!" Fay picks up her phone and leaves the room.

I heave a deep sigh. I walked to the bathroom and wanted to take my phone, but suddenly I realised that the phone laying on my bed, wasn't my phone. It was Fay's. Crap, what if Manu sends me a message and she reads it? No, he won't send me a message, why would he do that? I take Fay's phone to play some music, still thinking of Manu. I put my favorite song on play: "Drive - Halsey"

I take off my clothes and get in the shower. The cool water flows through my hair, and it calms me down. I try to let the cold water rinse my worries away, but I just can't forget about Manu.

All I hear are the lyrics of Halsey:
"All we do is drive
All we do is think about the feelings That we hide
All we do is sit in silence waiting for a sign"

Suddenly I hear a high beep. It's Fay's phone. I've got a text! My heart starts beating faster as I get out of the shower. What if it's a message from Manu?  I press the home button of my phone and the screen lights up.

One new message from Manu Rìos:
"hi, i can't stop thinking about you"

And in that very moment, my heart broke in a million tiny little pieces.

Hi dear readers,
I hope you are enjoying this book!
I've got a lot of ideas of what could happen in this story! So keep reading ;)
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Love you guys!

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