four // no surrender

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I feel tears dwelling up in my eyes.
Why didn't he send me this message?
Why can't he think about me?
Because all I seem to do is think about him...

Come on Amelie, I say to myself, you have to stay strong.
Why can't you just be happy for your best friend? Fay deserves this, after all she's been trough.

She has been trough alot.
Her father is in prison, after he hit someone with a car. The victim immediately died, and the family claims it was murder, although Fay and her family know that it was an accident. They have fought against the family for three years, and they still haven't won the case, but they refuse to give up. The family of the victim is willing to do anything to prove that is is murder, because they really hate Fay's father, and nobody really knows why ... They would do anything to hurt him and his family.

So Fay really deserves this guy, and I will have to accept that, because I love my bestfriend. I hear someone knocking at the door. "Come in!" I yell, thinking it is Fay. I put a towel around my hair, and wrap another one around my body. "How's the hotel?" I ask her, while grabbing a hairbrush and the hairdryer. "Ehm, good I guess?" I hear a deep voice say. I grow numb. That is definitely not Fay.

Oh my god. What do I need to do?! I grab the hairdryer as a weapon and slowly open the door. I hear something stumble behind the corner, and it's coming closer. I open the door a little more, and see a black Converse sneaker with a white fleck on. I've seen that shoes before.. I just can't remember where. "Where are you?" I hear the voice say. I duck behind the door. I hear the footsteps coming closer, and I decide to do what I think is best. Okay Ally, here we go. 1..., 2...., 3...., GO!
I throw the door open and hit the man with the hairdryer as I close my eyes.

"AUW!", someone yells. I slowly open my eyes and see Manu, rubbing his hand on his cheek. My mouth falls open as I drop the hairdryer on the ground. "You didn't exactly have to do that, babe", he says, while giving me a painful smile.
"Oh my goodness I am so sorry I didn't know it was you!"
"Don't worry, I'm a though guy."
"Let me see it," I say, still worried, while grabbing his hand.

As I touch his skin, sparks explode from my fingertips.

It seems like time stops, it's only Manu and me in this moment. He grabs my hand and twirls his fingers between mine.

He gently tilts up my chin with his other hand, so I can look him in the eyes. Those beautiful, green, sparkly eyes, full of secrets I can't wait to discover.

My eyes slide to his lips.
His so soft and full, perfect pink lips.

When he sees me looking at his lips, he smiles a little and bites his lower lip.

He slowly tucks my hair behind my ear and his hand moves to my cheek. I began to blush as he caresses it with his soft fingertips.

This all feels so right.

He leans in closer, still not breaking eye contact. I close my eyes as I lean forward, and I feel our lips touch.

It's even better than I imagined. His lips taste sweet like honey, but oh so soft.

It feels so perfect, this is meant to be. This kiss is so powerful, everything just fits perfectly.

He pulls back and so do I.
I open my eyes and see him looking at me.

Something is wrong.

I can see pain in his eyes.

"I.. I'm sorry.." he mutters.

"Was I not good enough..?" I say, hurt.

Ofcourse I'm not good enough.. He must have kissed a million other girls, he can get any girl he wants.

"No! It's not you.. It's just.."
I can see a tear dwell up in his eye corner.

"I can't do this, I'm sorry butterfly..."

He turns around and runs out of the room.

"Wait!" I yell, while following him. "Please wait!" I feel myself begin to cry.

He turns his head, and I can see tears streaming down his face as he disappears around the corner. I let myself fall on the floor and hide my face in my hands.

And yet again, my heart begins to break.

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