Chapter 4

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Author's note: Hay guys!!

Writer's block is finally gone! :) Hope you like this, I'll try to post more later today!! Enjoy!


Avi's POV (Just for a little while):

When a day starts bad, you have to do anything you can to make it better for you and for the people that you love. That’s what my grandmother always said. She was a great woman, she always had some wise words to share with me. And I generally stick to them. Usually. Not now.

I’m lying on the couch in the green room, pretending to sleep, thinking about the first half of today.

I woke up this morning knowing it was show day, and I decided to ask Julie if she would have liked to come and see me and the others perform. I texted her right before leaving for reharsal and I didn’t get an answer, though she usually reply to me in a couple of seconds. I texted her againg, and again, four times. Never getting a reply. I knew it. I shouldn’t have asked her, she surely has something better to do. What a big idiot you are, Avriel Kaplan. Great idea to fall for a girl you’ve seen twice. Even better idea, she’s flying back home in five weeks. But there’s the best part: home is italy. Which means, a nine hours flight will stand between the two of you. Well, good thing is she didn’t reply to your text. Maybe she doesn’t even want to see you again.

What a big idiot you are, Avi Kaplan, always falling for the wrong one.

I hear the door shutting close and I grunt, not really wanting to talk with anyone.

“Man, c’mon, I know you’re not sleeping.”

It’s Kevin. I sigh deeply opening my eyes and running my hands on my face, sitting on the edge of the couch.

“What time is it?” I asked checking on my phone.

“It’s time you get your phone and you call her.”

“What?” I glare at him.

“Don’t look at me like that, you’ve been checking your phone for a text all day long.”

“I’m not… She’s… Ow, please, leave it.” I say, getting on my feet and passing by him. He follows me out the room.

“Maybe she didn’t get the text!”

“Maybe she didn’t want to reply.”

“How do you know? You’ve been texting her for two days, she always replied!”

I turn my eyes to him stopping him.

“Listen, I’m fine. It’s better this way, she’s leaving in five weeks.”

“You’re not even trying? You seemed pretty involved with her yesterday!”

“I just met her twice! I don’t know if she has a boyfriend, or… Actually I don’t even care. I told you, I’m fine. I will be for the show.”

He sighs and shaked his head as I turn away and head to the exit to get some fresh air. I can see a little crowd queueing up in a line. It’s almost VIP time. Maybe Kevin is right. Maybe I should call her and ask her if she’s going to be here. Nah, I know her, she would have replied the text. Actually I don’t know her at all. What’s wrong with me!?

I go back inside and in the green room, where the trio is chilling before the fans come in. I sit on the couch with Mitch as I notice Scott’s staring at me for a second and Kevin shrugging back at him. I take my phone out of my pocket and check the text box. Nothing. I check my twitter for a second before putting it back and joining my friends in their conversation.

Thirty minutes later we’re heading down the stage room to start the VIP session. I’m feeling slightly better after the time with the guys, an I managed to put a smile back on my face. Yeah, it’s better this way. It was not meant to be from the beginning.

After a while, fans start coming in the room. It’s always a lot of fun watching thier reaction: I’ve seen people cry just for looking at me. That’s something you’ll never get through. I can feel Kevin’s grip on my arm and I turn to look at him. He just smiles and points something in fornt of us. I look at the crowd again and finally see what he was smiling at. Better, who. I can’t help but grin at her, when she raises her hand and wave slightly at me.

Wake me up (An Avi Kaplan/Pentatonix fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now