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Prod POV

I was NOT expecting lunch to be that wild today. I'm surprised that Roc didn't blurt out and put Mickey on blast about what he saw earlier.

I ran out the cafeteria looking for him. When I found him he was walking back and forth with his fist balled up.

"Bro, bro. Calm down."

I was trying to get a hold of him and get him to stop moving.

"How the Hell do you expect me to calm down?! She just came up to me on some complete BULLSHIT!"

"I know. Did you forget I was there too, but you can't resolve anything with and while being mad bro."

He finally started to calm down. I have seen Roc mad, and this ain't NOTHING compared to it.

"Alright, thank you. Lunch is about to end, so I don't think that we should go back into the lunch room just yet, because Lauren and Cassie were surprised too. We should wait, alright?"

He didn't say anything. He just stared at me.

"Hello? Are you there? Just because you're mad doesn't mean you get to ignore me and give me attitude. Iight? I'm tryna help you."

"iight man. Whatever. Don't start getting all sentimental and shit on me. ion got time for your BS or that bitch BS. Maaan Fuck that bitch"

"Don't call her "That Bitch" when you know you love that girl. I know that you're hurt and-

"Who's hurt?! Not I. Ion get-

"Nigga. If you don't shut the hell up. Now you bout to piss me off. Now! I know you're hurt and upset and all that, but don't disrespect anybody like that. Don't stoop down to her level. You're better than that. Iight?"


He said that and rolled his eyes.

"So do you feel like you should forgive her for what she did to you?"

"I don't want to forgive that bi- I mean Mickey cuz ion want her feeling like she's off the hook, but she doesn't even know I saw her with him yet. It's hard for me to forgive people when they Fuck me over."

"I mean you can obviously forgive her but what she did will never leave your mind, but don't dwell on that cuz dwelling never turns out good."

"what she did to me was petty as hell. I wanna beat that Nigga ass so bad but he ain't worth getting kicked off football."

"Yeaa and I wasn't gone let you lay a finger on him cuz you're better than that and you know it. Ok, so how about this. How about you forgive Mickey and for everything that has happened today. And I'm not saying don't forgive Jason, but just take out your anger on the other team and get us a win. If he talks to you be cordial. Don't have an attitude and be a little girl iight?"

He laughs a little

"Iight. Thanks bro. I can always count on you."

"No problem."

We dap each other up, then the bell rings and it's time to bounce.

Cassie P.O.V.

Me and Lauren were still sitting in lunch looking shocked as hell. That's just so crazy how McKenna came over here like she was some type of God and just went off on Chresanto like that.


Cross Country Practice.

I laced up my shoes, and began the warm up , half a mile run. A lot of people that I'm cool with run cross country too. so we were all just running and talking.

"Hey Cassie! wait up?"

I heard somebody calling me. I turned around and saw that girl McKenna's friend Brooklynn, catching up with us. me and Brooke are actually pretty good friends. definitely not like me and Lauren, but we're still cool.

She caught up with me and it was just me and her running now. the others continued ahead of me. I wonder what she has to say.

"I just want to say sorry for the way Mickey acted at lunch. I tried stopping her, but as we both know, that didn't work out to well."

"I mean, it's ok I guess. it's not like she was yelling at Lauren and I specifically. but why was she so upset at Chresanto in the first place?"

"We'll every day McKenna, Chres, Craig and I sit together at lunch. So me and Mickey got there before the guys and we were just waiting for them to come. while waiting, I got a text from Prod telling me that they were sitting with you all. when Mickey found out about that, I guess she was upset about her not getting a text from Roc and lashed out in the worst way."

"That was pretty unnecessary don't you think?"

"Honestly, I think what she did was extremely unnecessary and it made her look like what she really isn't."

"Look like what? A cra-"

"Woah there. that's still my friend that you're talking about."

"Sorry. but I really appreciate you coming to apologize. you didn't have to do that."

"Oh it's no biggie."

We finished our half mile run, and the coach called us over for practice

Through The Storm.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon