Surprise Surprise.

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As we leave out my house, I let her go first. What a gentleman I am.

"Man this Florida weather is so nice today" I say as the birds were singing their songs, and the sun was shining.

"Yea. I know. I'm surprised it hasn't been super Cold here. I know They have it real bad in Chicago."

"Yea me too."

I just looked at her and looked at how she pushed her hair behind her ear.

"Hey is that your real hair, or weave?"She looked at me like I was crazy.

"You want to feel my scalp and find out nigga? "

"Mhmmm. Let me see whatchuu working with"

I felt her hair. It was real! It was so soft and it spelled like apples.

When I looked at her she had this look on her face like "now what?!"

"Well I guess it's real"

"Mhmm. Exactly goofy!" She says as she pushes me playfully.

There was a little moment of silence until she asked me a question I was dreading to answer.

"Ummm. I don't mean to pressure you and all, but I wanted to know What happened between you and your girlfriend?"

"Umm. What made you think there's something wrong?"

"Well earlier today I asked you what did you mean by the fact that 'you should be the one mad'. When I asked you, you just ignored me."

"Oh. I'm sorry about that. Well um I seen some things earlier today you know that had me questioning some things about me and her and myself."

"What happened?"

I took a while before answering. Deciphering if I should speak on it or not.

"I seen her kissing one of the football players on our team. I didn't like the fact that it was somebody I knew for a long time. Then she tried to come up to me and act all innocent. I love that girl so much && I just can't believe she'll something like that to me. Like what did I do to her? I really want to fight that dude, but Craig said I shouldn't stoop down to his level. "

"Well I understand where you're coming from. Craig is totally right. don't fight him, because that could eventually cause you to get kicked out of football or you not be able to play any games. Sometimes it's not necessarily you that did something. Who's to say that McKenna could be lost within herself. you know? But what you need to do is be careful with who you trust. even though you considered him your friend, he could have been trying to get McKenna the whole time y'all was dating. Remember Satan was once an angel."

"Yeaa you're right. But you and Craig tell me all this stuff, but I personally don't know what to do."

"Well do you want me to tell you how I dealt with my bf cheating on me?"



She told me everything and hopefully I'll use the advice she gave me so I can keep myself sane.

Her phone started to ring & her ringtone is "Throw That Ass In A Circle"


"Lauren got a caaaallll" I sang as she laughs and rolls her eyes playfully.

"Wait what?....Really? With who?.. really?..... That's great! I think you should go for it!...... Promise you'll call when you get back?.... Awesome ttyl," she put her phone back in her purse, "sorry that was Cassie with some 'boy news' "

"I could tell," she chuckled," hey, you wanna get some Ice cream from up the street?"

"I could go for some ice cream. Sure"

This is gonna be the beginning of an awesome friendship.


Cassie's P.O.V.

After coming in from Track practice, I was exhausted. Coach had us running for at least an hour straight. Then after that all we did was drills. I swear my legs are gonna fall off by the time the season is over.

I collapsed on my bed, finally giving my legs a rest. As soon as I was about to fall asleep, I got a text message.

Jason: hey pretty girl ;)

I started to blush and all he said is hey. Jason is a guy from my school. He's a football player, which I love, and was inducted into the National Honor Society. We've been talking for a while now. Every since we worked together for a chemistry lab, and he texted me for help.

Cassie: hey pretty boy lol

We joke like this all the time. Even though he really is a "pretty boy". Nice, smooth completion, tough body, hazel eyes.... lawd have mercy. I told myself that I wouldn't get caught up in my feelings. Because he's a pretty boy and proudly owns it, I know that he has multiple females all over him.

Jason: you doing anything later?

What does this mean? Is he trying to ask me out? Ohmahgawsh! Wait.... Calm down Cassie. He hasn't even said anything. Maybe he's just making conversation.

Cassie: nope. I'm as free as a bird

I probably sound thirsty, but I mean c'mon. Jason is one of the cutest guys in school, with athletic AND academic pluses. I'm going for it.

Jason: why don't you meet me at the pier? we could even go to the carnival

Why must he play so much? He knows I hate that carnival. Everytime I go, something bad always happens. A little kid has thrown up on me, I've had my purse stolen right off of my shoulder, and even got food poisoning from the funnel cake. I'm definitely not trying to go back.

Cassie: ugh! Jason you know I absolutely can't stand the carnival.

If he thinks I'm gonna go, he is sadly mistakin'.

Jason: I know, I know. Just come with me. I promise you that nothing's gonna happen. I'll even win you a giant teddy bear to cuddle with ;)

Cassie: Is this a date?

Jason: sure is

Cassie: fine. I'll go. but I swear if anything happens to me, it's gonna be your fault

Jason: you don't have anything to worry about :) meet me by the pier @7 I promise that this will be the night of your life

I couldn't even respond because I was too excited. I have to call Lauren.


If this girl don't pick up the-


"OMG girl! You will not even believe what just happened. I just asked on a date and-"

"Wait what?"

"I just got asked out on a date!"

"Really? With who?"

"Jason! he's meeting me at the pier later"


"Yeaaaaa. But he wants to take me to the carnival, and we all know how much I hate that place"

" That's great! I think you should go for it!"

"Maybe you're right. I hope nothing happens to me this time"

"Promise you'll call when you get back?"

"Yea for sure"

"Awesome ttyl"

"Bye girlie"



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