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I slammed the door, a low growl coming up from deep in my chest. I was angry, but not at Penelope.

Oh, never at Penelope.

I leaned against the wall and shut my eyes. I could still see her long dark hair, flowing in waves down past her shoulders. Her lips, parted in both fear and curiosity. Those lips were intoxicating.

Under her baggy shirt and sweatpants, I hadn't been able to see her body. She was shorter than me and very small. It was so tempting, just to touch her.

"Apollo?" I opened my eyes to see my father walking towards me. "Why are you just standing there?"

"Well, my mate kicked me out." I snapped. "She hates me, thanks to you."

"Hates you? Did you teach her a lesson?" He crossed his arms.

"No! She's afraid!" I shouted. "She wouldn't let me get close to her!"

"Son, we've talked about this. As future Alpha and my successor, you are expected to exude a certain air of power and control. She is under you, so she must listen to you. This girl cannot control you." He put his hand on my shoulder, but I smacked it away.

"Did you not understand what I just said? The woman chosen for me and only me is scared and angry at me because I followed your orders." I scowled. "Next time, send Charon to do your killing. Not me." I turned away.

"Apollo, you disappoint me!" Father yelled.

"Better you than her!" I shouted back and ran down towards the kitchens.


"You look upset." I turned to see my little brother Charon standing there in nothing but gym shorts. I scowled.

"You know your mate wouldn't be happy if you walked around here like that." I said, taking a sip of juice. Charon laughed.

"Then it's a good thing I don't have one yet." He smirked. "How's your mate?"

"She's terrified of me." I slammed my cup onto the counter. "I had orders that I followed and someone she loved was killed in front of her." I rubbed my face. "Her scream is still branded in my mind."

"She'll come around once she finds out you aren't a cold blooded murderer. What's her name again?"

"Penelope Artemis Hatchet." I sat on the counter and Charon joined me. I glanced down at the mark on my hand. It was the brand of our pack, burned onto my skin when I was born. We were all born with a mark. Leo was my best friend and lead warrior. Charon was my beta.

My mark was of a wolf wearing a king's crown. The moon in the background was red, symbolizing our pack. Once I was named Alpha, it would change very painfully to say Alpha on the bottom. Penelope would go through the process after she was named Luna. Her's would be wearing the mark of the Moon Goddess.

Charon sighed. "Just, be kind to her. She's got a tragic backstory and she probably doesn't take kindly to people killing her only family."

"Wait what?" I grabbed his shoulder. "What backstory?"

"She was abandoned by her father in the woods a few days after her birth. No one knows who her mother is, but that's beside the point. She was alone in the woods until she was fourteen. The boy Leo killed was her adopted brother." Charon took a swig of milk. "Father told me."

"Of course he tells you and not me." I sighed. "I hate this fucking job." I grabbed a bottle of beer and took a large sip. "Why did I have to be born first?"

"Well at least you weren't named after the ferryman of the dead." Charon snorted. "It makes me sound like a fucking weirdo."

"Yeah, because god of music and the sun is so much better." I chuckled. "Your name sounds more sinister."

"What the hell was Mom on?" Charon joked. We both burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Leo walked in and snatched the beer from my hands. "I thought you said no drinking?"

"That was before my mate decided to rip my heart out and crush it." I said dramatically. "She kinda hates me."

"Oh give her some time." Leo waved it off and took a drink of my beer. "In that case, you can have this back."

"So how is the great Leonardo Ares doing today?" Charon giggled. Leo glared at him.

"I'd be doing better if you would keep my full name to yourself." He growled.

"Yeah Charon. Keep your mouth shut!" A figure stood in the doorway. Charon rolled his eyes.

"You haven't died yet? That sucks ass." He groaned. The figure sauntered in and I cringed. It was Nyx, Leo's second in command. Her long hair whipped past me as she went to my brother and put her long nails on his knee.

"Oh darling don't be like that." She purred. Leo pretended to throw up in the background and I snorted. Nyx looked at me. "Hello Apollo. Will I be seeing you this evening?"

"No." I snapped. "I've got a mate now."

Nyx made a face. "Was it that girl you brought in? She seems... less than desirable."

I jumped down from the counter. "Don't ever talk about her that way. She's going to be your Luna, which means you will give her your upmost respect. Do I make myself quite clear?" I hissed. Nyx curtsied.

"Yes Alpha. Please forgive my ignorance." She smirked. She turned to Charon and curtsied low enough for him to see right down her shirt. "Beta."

"Bitch, leave." Another voice entered the kitchen and I grinned. Persephone, my friend and basically sister, had spoken. Nyx turned and growled. "Yeah get out. No smuttiness around the man with a mate."

Nyx turned and walked out, her hips swinging as she did. Persephone walked over to Leo and kissed his jaw. They had been mates since they were fifteen and Leo was planning to propose on the next full moon.

"So I heard about your mate. Can I meet her?" Persephone asked. I nodded.

"She's upstairs."

"No, you can take me to her." She grinned. "You can't avoid her forever."

I sighed and walked to the door. "Let's go."

MoonchildOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora