Chapter 3

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I may have cried a bit in the last hour and a bit.

‘Mum, I saw Daniel’ says the Tom who’s on the screen.

“you’re a bit of a cry baby.” Laughs the Tom who is next to me.

“ I thought you were asleep?” I say, looking down at him.

“just woke up.”

i chuckle and put my eyes back to the TV.

He wraps his arms around me. Okay. I’m just going to go with it. There is a boy who I’ve only known for a matter of hours. With one of his hands he is holding my hand and  the other is across my waist. 

“its comfurrting. Do it aal the timeee.” He slurs his words, he must be really tired.


“thought you might be wonderiing why I’m sat like thisss.”

“no, I wasn’t.” I Lie.

He unwraps his arm from my waist and gets out his phone.

 “Whaat did the faggots say t-to you earlieer?”

“harry and sam?”


“oh, they were just really nice.”

“huh. They always do that around new people and then at home theyre  horrible.” As he picks up the volume of his voice, his words aren’t as slurred.

“You shouldn’t say that about your brothers.”

“why not? Their both dicks and..”

“yeah but you shouldn’t say that about them, you’d miss them if they were gone.”

He laughs slightly.

“tom, why are you acting drunk?”

He cant be actually drunk. He was sober a while ago. I keep thinking i can smell alcahol on him, but thats probably jsut me being paranoid.

“no bro's would be asweosme” he shouts, making me jump/

“it would be crap.”

"i feel sick." he says suddenly, sitting up and letting out a deep breath.

"where were you before you came here?" i ask, unwrapping his arms from me.

"i was... i was at a party. Drank abit." he replies.

I just sit their, confused. "You weren't drunk when you came in though?"

He laughs, "i know, i'm wierd. it always takes a while for the alcahol to get into my system."

"great. Well, come on. Lets get you up to bed." i say, helping him off the sofa. I take him upstairs and put him into bed. I fill up a glass of water and put it besides him. "i've left my number downstairs, call me if anything goes wrong, ok? or if you need my help."

"love you." he says, rolling over onto his side.

"shutup." i laugh, walking out and gently shutting the door.

*next day.*

i'm woken up by my phone going off. Unknown number.

I press answer.

"hello?" i ask into the phone

"hi Sara, this is Tom."

"Oh hi Tom, how are you feeling this morning?"

"better, thankyou for taking care of me." he says, his voice low from just waking up.

"no problem." i reply.

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