Chapter 14

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*Toms POV*

He what?

“You are kidding right?” I find myself asking, glancing around to see that everyone else is looking at them the same way as I am.

Harry shakes his head grimly.

“What the hell were you thinking?” I shout, slamming my hands against the table. I feel Saras hand grip around my arm. “sit down.” She says through her teeth. I do as she says and sit down, repeating the question, slightly calmer this time.

“what the hell were you thinking?”

He sighs and takes Lucys hand.

“We weren’t. I…I wasn’t thinking. Afterwards, she realised and told me. I didn’t even think about it afterwards. It’s all my fault.”

“Yes Harry, it is. Why the fuck would you be so stupid?” I say, clenching my hands into fists. I swear to god, if he’s got her pregnant. If my baby brother has got a girl pregnant I’ll fucking kill him.. I’ll…

I feel Saras hand tighten on my arm.

Breathe Tom; breathe.

“Just… why, Harry?” I say, sighing

“I already said Tom, we weren’t thinking.”

“Tom, calm down. We don’t know if anything has happened and I doubt it has. Don’t get angry until we know anything.” Says Sara, looking at Sam as she speaks; for his encouragement I bet.

Sam nods and opens his mouth to speak. “I mean, Harry and Lucy… is this your first time right?”

They both nod.

“Well, you cant get pregnant on your first time so it’s fine.”

I let out a laugh, so does Sara.

“Sam, that’s a myth, you don’t actually believe that did you?” says Sara, laughing as she speaks.

“I did, yeah.” He admits.

“well it’s a myth.” I say. Right. I need to help the situation. Mum and dad cant know because it will hurt them, really upset them and I don’t want them. I have to help them. I’m there older brother and this is what I’m here to do, help them.

“look… me and Sara will go to the shop and get a test, okay? You’ll have to wait a couple of days until you can take it because it wont show if your pregnant a day after you two did the… did the deeds. No one says anything about this to Mum and Dad, or Paddy. Especially Paddy. “ I finish and look over to Harry. He smiles at me and then stands up and walks over to me.

“Thankyou so, so much.” He says, pulling my into a hug. I hug him back and then grin, letting go of him.

“You’re welcome.” I reply, watching as he sits back down.

“And this lady sam..” I say, looking to Sam. He smiles at me and nods. “I’m going into town with her today and I was thinking maybe invite her over tomorrow?”

“sounds good mate.” I say, kissing Sara on the cheek. “Lets go get ready. We have a pregnancy test to get.” I wink at her.

“you wish.” She replies, pecking me on the lips.

*Saras POV*

Once I’ve had a shower and got dressed, I’ve got my shoes on and am ready by the door. I’m wearing a big jumper since it’s freezing outside. I’m also wearing skinny jeans and a pair of navy converse. I put my hair into a pony tail.

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