Chapter 34

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*Harry's POV*

"Dominic, will you hurry up and find a bloody parking space!" shouts mum at dad.

"I'm under a lot of pressure here." He replies, slamming his hands down on the wheel.

I stay silent in the backseat. Everyone else stayed at home but I wouldn't let mum and dad leave without me.

"Finally. You'd think that they would make more parking spaces at a flipping hospital!" murmurs dad, backing into a space.

Once he's stopped, we all climb out of the car in silence and run towards the hospital.

"Young girl, brown hair, brown eyes.. Katy Cook." Says dad breathlessly to the lady on the reception. She picks up a clip board and nods. "ward 17, B wing. You'll have to wait outside."

"and Jack? He was brought in the same time,. Gun shot wound..."

She looks back to the paper and after a while, nods like she did before.

"They are both in intensive care. The information says that when he came in he was stable, so our team will be doing all we can for him."

"And katy? Did it say if she was stable?" I butt in, leaning onto the front desk.

"she was listed as critical. Our team are doing their absolute best." She gives us a reassuring smile and dad hurries us through.

*Toms POV*

He cries. He throws his arms around me and cries; I've never seen him like this before. I rest my head on his shoulder, feeling my lip quivering, giving in yet again to the tears.

"I can't believe we are here, just waiting to see if they are dead or alive. It's sick." He cries.

"I know Harry, but we just have to hope for the best. How are the rest doing?"

"They've stayed at home. Saras gone with the police to give evidence so Tony can be caught."

"they said that before and look what he did. Escaped, with a gun. He's fucking crazy."

"How long till we hear anything." Interrupts dad, tapping his foot against the floor.

"I'm going to go find someone. I can't stand this anymore." I Say, standing. Harry stands up too. "no Harry, you stay here. I want you to be here incase anything happens."

He looks like he's going to argue, but stops himself and crumples into his seat. "I love them, Tom." he whispers.

*Jacks POV*

Beep, beep, beep. The heart monitor beside my bed is the first thing i hear. 

I slowly open my eyes and a nurse comes into focus. 

"Hello, Jack. You're in hospital. We are taking care of you, everythings going to be just fine."

"Hospital? Why?" i try to sit up but feel a sharp pain in my hand. I look down and see a needle.

"A gun shot wound. Please stay calm, you are in good hands. You are going to be okay." 

"I'm okay?" I repeat her words, tears filling my eyes. I survived.

"Yes, you're okay." she smiles down at me. "You've been asleep for almost 12 hours now so i need to try to sit you up otherwise you will get disorientated. Can you do that for me?"

I nod and try to push myself up. "Here, let me help you." she says, hooking her hands around my arms and pulling me up.

I feel a pain in my stomach and look down to see a bandage just above my hips. The wound.

"You've got a visitor waiting outside for you." she adds, but i dont really listen - My head spins and my vision turns white at the edges.

She brings a bucket to my bed just in time to stop me vomiting over the sheets.

I wipe my mouth and fall back against the bed. 

"After laying down for so long, you were bound to feel nauseus. I need you to drink this for me, Okay?"

The room is still spinning.


"huh?" it comes to an abrupt stop as i turn my head to look at her.

"I need you to drink this glass of water. it will help make you feel better, okay?"

"sure, sure." I take the glass from her and it makes me remember the night Tom got knocked unconcious at the party and i had to bring him to hospital.

I was the one who had to get him to drink, not a nurse. It was me, his best friend. The Jack he trusted, not the Jack who tries to steal his girlfriend.

"You said i had a visitor?" i ask. I need to apolagise to him, i need to make everything okay.

"Yeah, i did, but i'll only let them in if you think you feel okay?"

"i feel perfect." i reply, sarcasm evident in my voice. She pretends  i was being serious and walks towards the door.

Footsteps appraoch my room and I imagine Tom walking down the hallway, smiling, shoes with one shoe lace fallen from the bow like usual, simply because he could never tie them properly. I smile and await his arrival.

The door swings open. 

"Jack! How are you feeling?"

I'm doing better, thanks for coming to see me Sara."

I try to hide my dissapointment but instead end up replacing it with anger.

"Your welcome, i'm so glad to see you and i'm glad atleast one person is happy to see me. Tom and Harry haven't been answering my calls and it's getting me really down, i mean i never did anything."

The anger builds as she speaks.

"Oh, i see. Your trying to imply that it was my fault?"

"No, although it kind of is." she smiles and then laughs and i realise she meant it as a joke. It's a fucking awful joke.

She doesn't understand the pain of losing everyone around you. She has no clue.

I grip at my bed sheets and hear my heart rate monitor bleeping faster and faster.

"Whats happenig? Jack? Why is it doing that? Someone get a nurse. Someone get a nurse!" she shouts, standing from her chair.

"Shut the hell up! You dont understand, do you? It's all you, everything is your fault. It always has been. This whole pile of crap is down to you. Well guess what? Yesterday, my brother tried to kill me. Yeah, so yours is dead but atleast you knew he loved you. Mine never loved me. Try feeling that level of pain. Try losing him and then losing everyone else. You have no clue how that feels. No fucking clue whatsoever."

She falls into the chair besides my bed and i instantly  try to take the words back.

"That's really how you feel?" her voice is soft.

My cheeks burn hot as a tear rolls down my face.

"You know i didn't mean it, Sara i',..."

"No, Jack. You did mean it and it's okay. I wont bother you any more, I'll stay away from you and your friends. I'm sorry about your brother and i'm sorry for messing everything up."

I reach out and ignore the sharp pain from the needle in my hand.

"Sara. If you did that, i couldn't live with myself. I should be the only one to lose everyone around me. I cant let you just walk away from them. I dont want you to know how it feels."

"I'm afriad it's too late for that, Jack."



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