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Both of their wrists activated as they were shoved back into the Dead Zone. Lasercorn slunk out of the shadows, making both of them jump. 

"Well, this mission didn't go well," Lasercorn noted. "He's not dead, and you've been gone for almost two days."

"I know." Mari sighed. "Lasercorn, this is Matthew-" But he interrupted her.

"Sohinki, call me Sohinki." 

"Fine then, Lasercorn, this is Sohinki, and we're taking him in." Sohinki gave her a sidelong look but said nothing. 

"They aren't gonna like it," Lasercorn said. "They aren't going to like it at all." 

"The gang or the voices?" Mari questioned, glancing at Sohinki, but he didn't seem bothered. Lasercorn shrugged.

"Both, neither, does it matter?" He then turned away before either of them could respond, muttering to himself.

"You get used to him," Mari said quietly. "Come on, it would be best if you were introduced to the rest of us." 


"So if he's not dead..." FLitz said, looking the smaller man up and down. "Do we still get the cash?" 

"God I hope so." Mari ran a frustrated hand across her face. "How low are we?"

"Two days," Skullknight muttered. "If we don't get paid, we'll have to do a raid. And we all know how well those have gone in the past. I vote we don't let the blind man be our lookout."

"We can handle a raid, Wes," Mari snapped. "Lasercorn can just burn whatever place down and we'll scavenge the leftovers."

"I like that idea," Lasercorn said his face lighting up. FLitz rolled his eyes.

"Sometimes your ideas are complete shit," He growled. "Sure let the guy in. It's only another mouth to feed." Mari narrowed her eyes.

"Your opinions don't matter, FLitz," Mari hissed. "I'm the leader here, what I say goes, and if you're not okay with how I run things, get the fuck out of this house or shut up. I would suggest the later, because the minute you step out of this house, I will personally hunt you down to slit your throat." The men standing in front of her were left silent. Even Sohinki seemed uncomfortable. "Does anyone else have any problems?"

"No," Joven said, answering for the group. "But we are out of chocolate chips, and that is a minor problem." Wes whirled around.

"How is being almost out of chocolate chips a minor problem?" He bellowed. Wes spun back around to face Mari. "You better get paid, otherwise I'm letting Lasercorn burn down this whole fucking city." With those words he stormed out of the room, the other quietly slinking after him.

"Welcome," Mari sighed. "Believe it or not, you'll fit in just fine." She turned to face Sohinki, surprised to see an actual smile on his face.

"I know I will." 


As much as Mari disliked the idea, Sohinki insisted in taking a walk by himself. She couldn't help but worry though, knowing most new comers lasted about an hour, so she trailed him. And she couldn't help but be glad she did, because soon Sohinki was approached by men baring knives. 

They didn't take any time attacking him, but surprisingly Sohinki held his own relatively well. First he managed to punch one man in the face, then aimed a kick at another's knees knocking him to the ground. 

"Hey," Mari said walking into one of the lighter areas, so that the men could see her. "He's with us, you mess with him you're messing with me." She didn't know if she saw men scramble away so fast.

"Thanks," Sohinki muttered, smearing blood as he wiped a cut on his cheek. 

"Don't get used to it," She snapped. "You are lucky I decided to take you in, I didn't have to do that. Next time you do something as stupid as walking alone before establishing yourself as dangerous, I will let them rip you apart. You have my word." 

"I'll remember that," Sohinki said. "And I do hope you get paid.

"For your benefit and ours, you should hope I get paid. If not, I kill him and you take the money." She turned on her heel. "And I suggest you follow me." And from the sound of footsteps behind her, he did so. 

THE DEAD ZONE ~ MarhinkiWhere stories live. Discover now