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The room was still, silent. Until FLitz ran, he fled Damien's house, disappearing into alleyways of the city. Nobody chased after him. They were too shocked to move, and Wes? Wes was to heartbroken to believe it. He had trusted FLitz was nearly everything, only to hear that he couldn't be trusted. It was a strange thought.

Damien was the first one to move after FLitz fled. He slammed the door closed, turning back towards those who were still frozen in shock. He sighed, turned back to the door and resting his forehead against the door.

"What are we going to do?" Sohinki finally asked timidly. It felt like they were all walking on glass and one wrong word from any of them would send them all crashing down. It was a delicate time. Too delicate. Damien released another sigh, still not turning around.

"We're going to have to get you out of here."


It was nearly three in the morning when Damien finally deemed it clear. Slowly, dreadfully slowly, anxiously slowly, they proceeded into the dark streets. Mari, Lasercorn, and Wes's hair were covered with borrowed hoodies, trying to make themselves unrecognizable. Sohinki wore a hat low over his face, the brim effectively covering his eyes so well that Mari had to keep a firm hand on his arm to keep him from running into things. Damien lead the way, moving the group from alleyway to alleyway, trying to keep from out of sight of the cameras the king had placed to monitor the streets.

Some who lived outside the gates of the Dead Zone tried to convince themselves that those cameras were placed for their protection. Some tried to deny the truth. But most knew the truth. Those cameras were not placed in the streets for the protection of property, or for the protection of the people themselves. No, these cameras were simply placed so the king could closely monitor each and every person. So he could watch for his next victim. So he could chose who he would confine to the Dead Zone next. It was what kept the people controlled, for most believed that the Dead Zone was worse than death.

"This way." Damien ushered them forward, warning them in a whisper to keep quiet. At Damien's cue, they rushed across the dully lit street into the alleyway on the other side. He would halt them every so often, looking around wildly before allowing the next person to proceed across the street.

Sohinki and Mari approached the street together. Mari acting as a guide for the man beside her. He had tried to lift the brim of his hat earlier in the trek, only to have it slammed down by Damien and with a few harsh words, Sohinki kept the brim low.

Mari clasped Sohinki's hand in her own, intertwining their fingers and she helped him casually stroll across the street. It was the best she could do to look non suspicious at three in the morning. But she supposed anybody walking across the street with their faces hidden from view would look suspicious whether they were holding hands or not. At least that was the reasoning she told herself. Maybe she just wanted to hold his hand.

They crossed the street as quickly as possible, while still trying to act unsuspicious, but after a hiss of "hurry up" from Damien, they abandoned any attempt of being casual. They raced across the road, Mari practically running into Wes's embrace as he pulled them into the darkness, pressing both of them against the wall as he checked for any sign of activity.

Wes poked the toe of his boot out of the darkness, signaling to Damien that he believed everything to be clear on his end. It was quite obvious that Damien agreed with that analysis, for Lasercorn soon entered the light and walked briskly across the street. He made it to the darkness with no difficulties. But Mari didn't want to jinx it. They still had one more person to go. They still had one more chance to get caught.

If this were a perfect world, Damien would too make it to the other side of the street without problems. If the world was something Mari could threaten with a knife, Damien would make it across the street without problems. If the world was a movie, Damien would never make it across the street and Mari and crew would have to go on an adventure to save him. Thank God it wasn't a movie.

Wes once again poked out the toe of his boot, and Damien crossed the street soon afterward. His head was tilted towards the pavement and his hat was low, successfully hiding his face from any unwanted eyes.

Mari held her breath as he crossed, releasing it only when he made it to the other side of the street. Everyone stayed statue still for a moment. Listening. Listening for anything that would signal to them that something went wrong. When nothing was heard, Damien pushed through the small group of people and walked to the end of the alleyway. He looked left and right, before raising his fist and knocking on an old and rusted door.

There was no response.

"Goddamnit," Damien cursed, moving to pound on the door once again, when it opened, nearly causing Damien to fall into the small woman who opened it.

'What are you doing here?" She snarled, looking Damien up and down before glancing around him and looking at the Arcanes that stood behind him.

"I need your help," Damien said, and the woman slammed the door in his face. Damien sighed, and leaned against the disgusting door, calling through the degrading metal.

"Boze, come on," He begged. "We can pay you." The door creaked open, a sliver of light falling into the alleyway.

"I'm listening..." She responded peering out again at the group that stood before her door. Mari could see her lips peel back into a smirk as she scanned the Arcanes. Her eyes lingered on Mari, and she couldn't help but shudder. There was something off about this 'Boze', and Mari wasn't sure she was comfortable entering the house. But Damien seemed to trust her, and since Damien was the only person who could help them, Mari had to trust her too.

"Name your price," Damien coaxed. "We'll make it work."

"I think I see something that might work." And with those words the door was opened and the group was ushered inside.

THE DEAD ZONE ~ MarhinkiWhere stories live. Discover now