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For the most part, sharp things weren't hard to come by in the Dead Zone. But a needle, that proved to be more of a challenge. In every single house that they went through they searched for anything needle like. They had found somethings, a bobby pin, a knitting needle (that they kept), but each one was rejected by Sohinki.

"If we just had those needles," Sohinki had said, running a frustrated hand through his hair. "Then I could figure out a way to disable these-" He loosely held up his wrist, looking at it with disgust. "And we'd be free." Although "free" was not quite how Mari would phrase it, she agreed it was vital to remove the devices. Vital for her plan, well her fraction of a plan. Her extremely small fraction of a plan, that involved making people pay. And the price was what she was most excited for.

They were back in the sewer, and Mari was distracting herself from her thoughts, by continually moving a blade across the surface of a knitting needle. She was shaving on parts of the metal, creating a point, that once she was done with it would be sharp enough to kill someone. That was the goal at least.

It was quieter than usual. Usually arguments were scattered around, Lasercorn the source of many. But the only speaking came from Lasercorn and Sohinki, both softly muttering to themselves. Wes was fast asleep, Joven was dozing against a wall, and FLitz was methodically cleaning off some of the blades he had collected. Mari ignored the quiet and continued to work of the knitting needle, testing it by trying to prick her finger against the tip.

A few strokes later, she pressed the pad of her thumb to the pointed end of the needle, satisfied with the bead of blood that appeared at the point of puncture. She examined it before setting it down on the concrete beside her and reaching for her long, mauve hair. Lasercorn and her had found someone to do their hair, it was the only color in their dreary lives, and the price of a new hair color was only pointing a gun to someone's head. She twisted her hair into a bun of sorts with skilled hands, before slipping the needle into the knot, securing it. She smiled to herself, imagining what it would be like to slide the needle into someone's throat.

Mari finally stood, stretching out her cramped muscles. She glanced around at her worn down crew, and slowly began to move towards the exit. But as she reached the door something seemed to stop her. With silent steps she made her way to Sohinki, dodging around the sleeping men. She prodded him with the tip of her boot, before he groaned, and managed to wake up. She smiled at him.

"Wake up sleepyhead," She said, offering her hand to the man. "We have a train to catch." Sohinki grinned and grasped her hand, letting her pull him to his feet. Mari knew, once Sohinki was firmly on his feet that she should let go, but for some reason she felt like she couldn't. And against her better judgment, she didn't let go, instead she pulled him behind her, keeping her hand firmly planted in his. She knew she should have let go, but Sohinki hadn't complained, and she was loving it.

They raced through the streets, scaling rooftops to avoid the people worth avoiding. Mari led the way, leaping from rooftop to rooftop, Sohinki's hand still firmly clasped in her own. Every once in a while she would glance back at him, and he would meet her eyes. Mari couldn't remember the last time she smiled this wide. In fact, she couldn't remember the last time she felt this free, but Sohinki seemed to have that affect on her. When she was with him the only thing that mattered was him, and everything else just seemed to fall away, leaving her yearning only for the man in her grasp. 

She brought him to the edge of the Dead Zone, together their eyes searched through the gaps in the chain. The gate hadn't raised yet, so Mari knew she had time until the train came, so she moved her grasp to Sohinki's wrist, dragging his body towards hers. She pulled him into her chest, her face tilted only slightly upward to meet his eyes. But soon her eyes drew away from the hazel wonderland that were his eyes, and settled on his lips. She absentmindedly swiped her tongue over her own lips, as she examined the man before her. Slowly, she raised her hand to his neck, running her fingers softly over the skin that resided there. She lifted her head once again, letting herself fall deeply into the hazel abyss. 

Her hands roamed, leaving Sohinki's neck, and moving slowly down to the hem of his shirt. Not breaking her eye contact, she fiddled with the hem, before slipping her hands underneath, tracing patterns on his bare back. There was something about this contact with him that made her feel so alive, made her wish for more. Made her crave more. She wanted this beautiful man before her. She wanted him more than anything. 

Somehow she managed to drag her eyes away from his, and they flickered back down to his lips.   Steadily, she withdrew her hands from underneath his shirt, and traced them slowly back to his neck. Applying a small amount of pressure, she brought his neck down, and met his lips with hers. 

And then she was done with taking it slow. She wanted him, but now that she had him, she wanted more. Without breaking contact with him she managed to pressure him backward, until his back slammed against one of the building walls. Then she broke the kiss, trapping him against the wall with her arms. She smiled at him, and drew away from him, just as a train whistle sounded in the distance. 

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