Chapter Thirteen - The Door

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Älesändriiä was the first queen of Lekäriiä. When the Empire of Ätälenóriiä met its brutal end, the human settlements on Lekäriiä suddenly found themselves cut off and leaderless. Chaos ensued in the wake of the collapse of government and support. Brother fought brother as the fear took hold. She arrived like a goddess just in time to save them from destroying themselves. Of the many colonies that called the continent home, she chose to lead the Saeról people. They called her the grand queen but history came to know her by another name...the Blood Witch. It is said that she was beautiful beyond compare; her hair was a pale white, and her eyes glowed red. She was the first known blood mage, and the most powerful ever to be described by historians. It is said that with a sweep of her hand she could fell an entire battalion of her own soldiers and pull the blood from their bodies to form a crimson tidal wave. She used it to perform frighteningly powerful spells. She restored order to the land, and directed her people to construct astounding architectural works of art. She began teaching them the ways of majik and created a standing army that was filled with men who were fanatically loyal to her, and more than willing to die in her name.
It was she that waged war against the Nahméfahs and enacted what came to be known as the First Elven Purge. She killed hundreds upon hundreds of wood elves and felled large swaths of the great forest of Ethelyn'tahlvelos. The Nahméfahs, in their desperation, forged an uneasy pact with their cousins the Shynkuufahs (The elves of the night). Levahknah, the Night Lord of Thuulvékahr, engaged the Blood Witch in one-on-one combat and the colossal confrontation was etched deeply into Lekäriiä's memory as one of its greatest and most terrible battles. In the end, it is said that the two of them destroyed one another - though their bodies were never found.
The elfahs feared that perhaps she had an heir, someone who inherited her abominable powers and would rise again to seek revenge upon them. Their paranoia drove them to exterminate the Saeról people and burn their city to the ground. The ruins of the Blood Witch's domain are believed to be haunted with the spirits of the dead. The veil between the dimensions was thin there, and dark beings could slip through and adversely affect the living. This is where Säyä and Aetós now found themselves.

"What is it that we seek in this place master?" Säyä could not ignore the ominous feeling that washed over her in chilling waves. She wanted nothing more than to leave and never return, lest some awful fate befall them both.
"The veil between the dimensions is thin here. The final battle between Älesändriiä and Levahknah tore the fabric of the realm and thus it is easier to pass between them. There are some moments when you can actually see the images of long dead souls that walk in the Beyond. I have even observed Yuu'hahluu roaming the skies above."
"What are Yuu'hahluu? Are they dangerous?"
"Extremely, even to one such as I. They are denizens of Lahpuuétys, the place known as the realm of the dead or the Beyond. They do not attack mere flesh and bone; their majik targets the soul, the essence of life itself. They are not to be trifled with. They appear as moving clouds of smoke with a core that manifests as a disembodied eye. Should you see one, you must flee for your life. Attacking it with blade or spell is useless."
"Then...then how do you kill one?"
"Someone like you...doesn't. Fear not however. It is a rare thing, they have little interest in the physical realm as there is nothing for them here. Most of the spirits that you see will be harmless. The veil is thinnest at the temple ruins where the Blood Witch performed many of her rituals. It is there that we must go, and it is there that you will come face to face with your destiny."
Säyä shivered at the sound of his words. "What do you mean by 'meet my destiny?'"
"You have decided to join the Order of Gul and become an Immortal One. In order to do so, you must meet the Dark God yourself, and if he accepts you then you will be welcomed into the fold."
All at once she understood why they had come.
He is going to send me to the White Road. If the veil is thin here then it will be easier for him to send me through the cracks. Between and beyond space and time...
She swallowed hard and followed in his wake as they made their way into the desolate ruins. Agonized wails echoed from all sides, and in the dark of night the three moons appeared like eerie gods in the starry sky.
Structures that had once been a grand testament to the heights that a civilization can reach under the guidance of a worthy leader with charisma and vision were now a testament to how a people could fall, ground into the dust under the heels of an enemy born from the actions of an evil warmonger. Säyä cast a spell to silence their footfalls, as if the sound of their steps would be enough to summon forth the wrath of the Yuu'hahluu whose power made even an Immortal One wary of crossing them.
The great arch in front of the temple was one of the few structures that stood relatively in tact, though the temple itself had long crumbled away. The altar at its center remained as well and glistened with the telltale sign of majikal enchantment. A wave of fear coursed through her as they approached, and her every instinct told her to flee. Her master showed no signs of turning away and motioned for her to come forward.
"Stand upon the altar."
She gathered herself, collecting her thoughts, solidifying her resolve, and steeling herself for whatever was to come. With cautious trepidation she obeyed Aetós' command. He increased the flow of his energy and his aura flared up and expanded to triple its normal size. He cast a Bound spell and space seemed to warp around his hand. He reached into...something...somewhere...his arm seemed to disappear into thin air. When he pulled his hand free he had a mighty sword in his grip. It was more beautiful than any weapon that she had ever seen. The blade was pure white and self-illuminated, shining from within. When it moved it painted the air in a golden light. The hilt was forged of a golden metal that she had never before seen and was shaped to look like a bird of prey. Golden particles of energy seemed to emanate from the unknown material and she could sense a splendid aura surging forth from the sword as if it were a living being, a powerful mage, in and of itself.
"This is your final chance to turn back, Säyä Shiinósukä. Once you walk the White Road, you either obtain Gul's approval or you remain trapped in that place for Eternity. There is no middle ground. You would not be a coward for leaving this path behind - you may, however, be a fool for pressing onward. Are you certain that you are ready to face the impossible that lies before you?"
Who could ever truly be ready for such a thing? She asked herself. She did not reply with words. Closing her eyes, she outstretched her arms and took a deep breath.
"The next time we meet...I will not know you. We will start over again from the beginning, and All That Is shall be made anew. Goodbye, my love."
Her eyes shot open and her heart stopped. He gave her no time to respond before slashing the divine blade. Space bent and twisted around her. The world began to fall away as she felt a sickening pull upon her that was far beyond her control. Säyä was helpless in the face of it, and reality collapsed around her. She had the unmistakable sensation of falling as a horrifying feeling of terror gripped her. She could never have prepared herself for the experience. Tears sprung forth as all she ever knew faded away...until it was just a memory.


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