Chapter 1

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*Percy's POV*

I sat on the steps outside the Big House, glancing around. Annabeth walked up and sat beside me, taking my hand. I smiled, but I think she picked up that my heart wasn't really in it.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

Nodding slowly, I turned to look at her. I brushed a strand of blonde hair it of her face, tucking it behind her ear. The more time I spent with her, the more time I sent doubting the sincerity of our relationship. My mind always brought me back to the thought that I loved her like she was my sister, not my lover. Which, honestly, was a bit disturbing.

She smiled at me, and I felt the guilt stir in my stomach. I could tell that she was in live with me, and it seemed like betrayal by not feeling the same way after all we've been through.

Forcing a smile, I stood up, pulling my hand away in the least offensive way possible.

Walking back to my cabin, I saw Jason running in my direction. I thought nothing of it-he could be going anywhere-until he called my name.

I turned and waited for him, confused at what was making him so hasty... and at why he wasn't at Camp Jupiter.

"Percy," he panted. "You need to come with me." Jason started jogging back the way he'd come, checking over his shoulder to see if I was following. I hurried to catch up with him.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"It's Nico... he's in trouble."

I frowned. "Why would you come to me? He hates me."

Jason gave me a small, sad smile that showed me he knew more than he was letting on. He turned back forward.

I hadn't seen Nico since the war had ended... he'd fled camp and never came back. He seemed to blame me for all of his problems... many of which were actually my fault. I could never seem to repay him for saving my life multiple times, and now I'm pretty sure that his hate was at a level that was irreversible.

"Where is he?" I asked.

He paused. "The Underworld."

"Has he been there this whole time? Ever since he left camp?"

"No. He was traveling the world... but he was... taken."

As far as I had known, Nico hadn't been in contact with anyone camp, but right now Jason was making it pretty obvious that they had been talking. At the thought, I felt a bit... upset? No... jealous.

"Do you know by what?"

He pursed his lips. "His father. He's angry... but I'm not sure why. I believe that he had asked Nico for a favor,but he refused."

"So we're basically on a mission to fight Hades," I said numbly.

"Unless we can find another way to save Nico."

I knew I couldn't decline Jason's plea for help against the Lord of the Dead... besides, I owed Nico and I felt the need to help him.

"How do we get there?" I asked, my decision made.

"An entrance was recently opened right outside camp." He veered right, with me following right behind him. He led me to a large rock, with a small hole that had a spiral of steps descending into darkness. Jason went in first, his blonde head disappearing into the ground. I ducked in after him, uncapping Riptide for the faint light.

Glancing around,the eeriness of the place began messing with my mind. The staircase seems never-ending, but I could see an orange glow at the bottom. I walked carefully, trailing my hand along the wall next to me so I wouldn't stumble and fall over the railingless side. I could hear scuttling on the steps beneath my feet, and fluttering from above.

"Cap your pen," Jason hissed. I hastily capped the sword and held it tightly in my fist, squinting against the darkness. I began to hear voices from below, and I sped up slightly, almost falling into Jason. He held out a hand and grabbed my arm to steady me.

"Thanks," I whispered.

We were nearing the glowing if torches from below, the voices growing louder. They sounded like muffled shouts, as if in an argument they wanted to keep hidden. I could now see the back of Jason's head, and he turned to look at me, holding a finger to his lips. We crept down the stairs and when we reached the bottom we flattened ourselves against the wall.



so. this is kinda a preview. uhm. vote and comment if you likkeeee but actually. idrc if you vote. just comment and tell me what you think :3

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