Chapter 3

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I literally sat at my swim meet writing this. I tried to keep my mind off my race. and. it helped. like. it was a wonderful distraction. :3 but yeah. so. if there're any typos. it's cause I wrote this on my phone.

and another thing. thank yooooo @xxitscarinaxx for da coverrrrr.

kay. bi. :3:3:3:3:3


Nico's POV:

"What are you doing?" I asked, watching him kneel down on the sand between me and the water.

"I have an idea. Just trust me." He placed a hand on my stomach, and I felt my face heat up. Thank the gods his eyes closed in concentration before he could see. I slowly felt a warm feeling seep through my body, and I looked down to see my wounds closing. I almost laughed at how... unbelievable it was. A small smile spread across my face, and Percy's eyes flew open. He fixed his sea green gaze on me a grin slowly slipping onto his face. I looked away quickly, a tingling feeling already creeping through me.

He pulled his hand away and stood up. "Can you stand?"

I shakily got to my feet, my knees threatening to buckle. I put a hand on his shoulder to steady myself.

"Yes," I replied. "You're not going to make me go to the infirmary now, right?"

He laughed and shook his head. My heart flipped around inside of me and I kept trying to ignore the feeling. I told myself over and over again that he was straight, he had Annabeth, he would never feel the same. But the feeling was difficult to push away, I was in too deep. I forced a smile. "Can I take a nap then?"

He nodded. "Of course."

When I tried to start walking, my legs wobbled and I stumbled. Percy looped an arm under mine, holding me up. My face flushed but I turned my head away. "Thanks," I mumbled. He didn't say anything, just led me to his cabin.

Opening the door, he helped me inside. I looked around the room. Everything I saw made me think of him, and if I didn't already know it was his, I'd've been able to tell immediately. He went to a bunk and sat me down on the bed. I watched him cross the room and pull out a blue shirt and gray sweatpants. He tossed them to me and pulled out clean clothes for himself.

I say there, feeling like an idiot, staring at the clothes. I glanced up when I saw Percy moving. I tried to avert my gaze when I saw that he was changing, but my eyes were drawn to him. I bit my lip and tugged the shirt over my head. I slid off the ripped sweatpants and pulled on Percy's. I looked up to find his eyes fixed on me. I fought back a blush and smiled slightly at him. He grinned back and my stomach twisted. I turned away and laid down on the bed, facing the wall. I curled up in a ball, my face buried in the blue shirt. It smelled like him... like the sea.

In about ten minutes, I guess Percy thought I was asleep, because be draped a blanket over me. I glanced up at him and gave him a small smile. "Thanks," I whispered before burrowing my head into the pillow.

"You're welcome, sleep well," he murmured, chuckling softly.

I smiled into the pillow and closed my eyes, quickly falling asleep.


Percy's POV:

I sighed and sat on my bunk, careful not to make too much noise. I laid back and covered my face with my hands. My mind was a mess... I wasn't sure what to think. The insistent fluttering in my stomach when Nico smiled at me was over-powering, and I was confused as to why it was happening at all. What did it mean? I shook my head and tried to sift through my jumbled thoughts.

A soft knock on the door pulled me out of my mind and I got up and slipped outside, making sure that the inside of the cabin wasn't visible to the person outside. Annabeth was standing there, her hair pulled back into a ponytail.

She smiled at me. "Want to go for a walk?" she asked.

I hesitantly shrugged, knowing I couldn't turn her down.


Her smile grew and she took my hand. I forced a smile back at her and began walking, nervously glancing back at the cabin.

She swung our arms, a smile still plastered on her face. I looked at the ground, and her smile slowly fell.

"Is there... another girl?" Annabeth asked cautiously.

"I... n-no... there's not."

She frowned. "You seem very unsure."

I ran a hand through my hair. "Listen, Annabeth, I still love you, but I'm not... in love with you."

"What do you mean?" she asked, her voice shaking slightly.

I sighed. "I love you like I would love a sister... I just never really had the heart to tell you. I didn't want to hurt you."

She rolled her hand away, tears slipping from her eyes.

"You led me on..." she growled. "It would have hurt me a lot less if you had told me when you'd first realized."

Before I could really process what had happened, she had slapped me across the face and stormed off.

I stood there for a second, debating about whether or not to go after her, but my feet remained planted on the ground.

I trudged back to the cabin numbly, hoping that Nico hadn't woken to find me gone.



sweg dat was short. oh well.

I'm honestly really glad that Annabeth is out of the way. is that wrong of me. I mean. it's my story, too. but whatever... I just never really liked her... :3 for that she'll have to make a reappearance just bc.

does anyone ever just listen to music and have every song remind you of your otp. like. it's awful sometimes. I have a fangirl attack in public. and it probably scars some children.

yayyyyy so comment. and. ya. BAI.

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