Chapter 7

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Sorry I haven't updated in forever uGH. Regents suck :3

On a side note, has anyone else seen TFIOS?? I saw it on the 5th at 9, and I cried from the first scene almost all the way through to the last. I was emotionally unstable the next day at school.

Okay, third thing. I put a preview thingy of a story I randomly worked on, and I'd like to hear what you think???? :) okay lemme get to writing now haha


Percy's POV

I sat staring at the water, my feet hanging off the side of the dock. I watched the fish flit beneath the surface, completely carefree and ignorant to the troubles that humans had to face. No matter who you are, something will happen, something will go wrong that will mess everything you'd hoped for up. That's the painful truth about humanity, and as unfair as it is, I've got to learn to accept it.

I sighed, slowly sliding into the water, sinking to the bottom and closing my eyes. How could I let that happen? How could I let him slip away so easily? He practically ran through my fingers like water that I couldn't control, and now he was gone, leaving me with no idea of his whereabouts.

I dug my fingers into the muddy bottom of the lake. Would he still be here if I hadn't kissed him again? I groaned inwardly, tossing my head back. Probably. He probably would be.


Nico's POV

Hazel and I sat under a canopy of trees, our backs against a trunk. I picked at the grass between my fingers.

"Nico..." Hazel said softly.

I looked up from the grass and over at her. "Hmm?"

"You need to go back soon. You've been here for two weeks." She paused, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. "If you had a chance with Percy, you may have let it dash away by you staying here, hiding from him. You need to go before it's too late to change it."

The past days that I'd been here, we'd avoided this conversation, skirting along the edges of the risky topic. But now she'd brought it up, and I was coming to face what I had to do.

I ran a hand over my face. "You're right," I said quietly. "You're absolutely right but I don't want to accept that. I'm scared of what he'll say to me, Hazel. I don't want him upset with me. I can't have him upset with me..." I felt tears stinging at the back of my eyes, and I cursed myself for my weakness. "My emotions revolve around his. If he's happy, I'm happy. If he's upset, any optimism I had had is completely dampened. But if he's upset with me, I don't know how I'd handle that."

Hazel slid an arm around my shoulders, and I stiffened at her touch before allowing her to comfort me. I felt her thumb tracing small circles on my arm, and I slowly calmed down. "He won't be mad, Nico. You know how he is, you'll be okay."

I curled my lips inward, taking a few deep breaths before pulling back from her and getting to my feet. "I'll see you around, Hazel..."



Well that was short. Sorry. It's late. Oops.

And if you could please just read over my other story? It's only like 2 paragraphs long, it wouldn't take more than 3 minutes.


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