Chapter 9

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Nico's POV

I sat in my cabin later that night, my head still spinning from earlier. I swear I could still feel the warmth of Percy's lips on my own, the tingling that came with them lingering.

I laid back on my bed, way too much on my mind for me to even consider sleeping. My body was screaming 'sleep!' but my mind had a completely different idea. I rolled onto my side, staring at the wall.

It was possible that he liked me, right? I wasn't being delusional, that kiss actually happened. I half felt like I would just shoot awake from this dream, realize that none of this ever happened. It just felt so unreal. The boy I'd loved for years was finally acknowledging me, finally seeing me as more than just a little kid that he felt obliged to look after.


Percy's POV

The current pulled me forward, beckoning to me, calling me deeper into the dark ocean, calling me closer to the darkness that seemed to be consuming the sky. I could hear the thunder crackling the distance, lightning streaking through the sky. The elements were in utter turmoil, wind whipping through my hair, the water raging around me. At any other time, this would have been horrifying. But right now, I was deathly calm, my head tilted back and my face turned up towards the sapphire sky.

I stepped into the waves, moving out into the churning sea. I looked down, staring at my reflection. As I watched, my green eyes flashed, darkness consuming the irises and turning them black.

I shot awake, sweat dripping down my face and my breath coming in short, sharp spurts. I shakily peeled the covers back, swinging my legs out of the bed and getting to my feet. I was weak at the knees, and I grabbed the wooden bed frame, holding on tightly until my knuckles turned white. I needed to talk to someone, needed to let someone in on my problem. I needed help from someone who was willing to offer it.

I stumbled out of the cabin, glancing at each of the other cabins in turn. My first thought was Annabeth.

I looked at the Athena cabin for a moment before remembering why I definitely could not do that. My mind then immediately drifted towards Nico. I quickly walked to his cabin, knocking on the door.

Nico answered after about a minute, his eyes hooded and tired, his hair ruffled from sleep. "Percy?" he asked hoarsely, rubbing at his eyes with the palms of his hands.

"Yeah," I whispered. "I had a-a, uhm, bad dream," I mumbled, feeling childish. He took my hand and pulled me into the cabin, sitting down on his bunk. I sat beside him, staring at my lap. He looked over at me.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I hesitated, considering for a moment explaining what I had seen. But I didn't think I could, so I just shook my head. "Just... Just hold me." I turned towards him, wrapping my arms around him.

I felt his arms snake around my waist, pulling me towards him. I rested my chin on the top of his head, taking a deep breath.

We stayed that way for a while, enveloped in each other's arms. After a few minutes, Nico pulled back slowly. "You should get some sleep, Perce," he whispered, his voice scratchy.

"So should you," I whispered back.

He rolled his eyes. "I'll be fine. I don't sleep much, anyway. Let's get you back to your cabin," he said, getting to his feet.

I pulled my lip in between my teeth. "Can I.... Can I stay here? Just for tonight?" I mumbled. Nico looked surprised, but he nodded after a few seconds.

"Yeah, sure. You can take any bunk you'd like," he said, gesturing around. I nodded and stood up, climbing up to a top bunk. I watched Nico settle down in his own bed, laying down and pulling the sheets up to his chin. I smiled slightly, laying back with sigh. I turned onto my side, staring at the wall. I could hear Nico's steady breathing, and began to relax. I'm not sure when I began to drift to sleep, but I do remember being woken up.

I opened my eyes, feeling small arms wrapping around my waist and a petite body curling up beside me. I turned around, finding myself face to face with Nico. "Hey..." he whispered sheepishly.

I chuckled, wrapping my arms around him. "Hey." He cuddled up to me, letting out a contented sigh. I smiled, letting my eyes slide shut again. This felt right, and for the first time in a while, I was happy.



wow that was really damn cheesy. and short. sorry. i dont have much time between sports and summer reading and working and stuff. but yeah. theres a mini chapter filled with fluff haha

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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