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Emille woke up three hours early. The rest of the facility was still asleep which meant he could train for three hours. He got up quietly and slipped on his boots and training uniform. He slowly crept to the door.

He put his hand on the handle and slowly twisted. He pulled the door open really slowly. Just as he was about to leave:

"What are you doing?"

Emille turned around to be staring into the tired eyes of Troy.

Troy glanced at his watch and then back at Emille.

"Why are you up so early?" He asked.

"Just an early morning training session." He replied and left.

Hoping Troy wouldn't remember this in the morning Emille went to the elevator. He walked in and pressed a button. Floor nine.

He waited for two minutes and then the elevator opened up. He stepped out and was standing in a large room. The walls, roof, and floor like usual were all grey with no windows. He stepped forward and his footsteps echoed. He walked up to a small stand in the closest corner. There were the average machine guns and pistols and then there were knives and grenades.

"Where to start." He said aloud.

From behind him he heard the elevator open again. He turned around to again see Troy standing there in his training suit.

"What are you doing here?" Emille asked.

"Training just like you." Troy replied.

"How did you know I was here?" Emille asked again.

"I know you want to go on the mission so it was obvious you were coming here." Troy said.

"So are we training together then?" Emille said picking up a knife with a curved ending.

"Lets do it then." Troy replied reaching over and grabbing an identical knife.

Troy and Emille hit the safety button on the knives. A thick layer of plasma material washed over the knife blade so any hits or stabs wouldn't be painful.

Troy walked over to a dial on the wall.

"Which map?" He asked.


This was new to Emille after all he only came twice a year in his spare time so they must've added it in a while ago.

Troy turned the dial to number seven. The centre of the room split in two and filled with water creating a stream across the room. Suddenly the ground under Emille shifted and rised creating a ledge. Ledges and hills formed from the ground across the whole room creating a forest looking battle ground.

"This is cool." Emille exclaimed.

"Go." Troys voice echoed.

Troy ran at Emille and elbowed him in the face. Emille stuttered backwards but kept his balance. Emille returned the blow with a sidekick landing on Troys right thigh.

"If that's all you got good luck making the mission." Troy said trying to agitate him and it worked.

Emille swung at Troys head but he ducked in time. Emille stabbed forward and missed which made him vulnerable. Troy kneed him in the chest and then the face. Emille fell down with a bloody nose,his kings slid out of his hand. He quickly picked it back up and got up.

He swung to the left and then the right. Troy dodged both and slammed his knife into Emilles shoulder.

Emille swung at the same time Troy did. The knives slammed together. They pushed as hard as they could. Emille was stronger and began pushing Troy towards the river.

Troy, on purpose dropped his knife. Caught by surprise Emille also dropped his knife. Troy took a punch and landed it on Emilles cheek. He took a second punch which landed in Emilles chest. Emille fell down again. This time he didn't have strength to stand up.

Troy kicked him in the chest and Emille rolled down a hill and into the water.

"Lets call it a day." Troy said like it was fun.

"Ya lets call it a day." Emille replied spitting out a glob of blood.

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