Living with the land

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It was cold. The water was cold. It felt like a thousand ice cubes washing over your body.

Another wave smashed into Emilles armour. Then the tide brought the water back in only to send anther wave of freezing water over Emille.

He blinked.

"Whe- where am I?" Emille said aloud.

He sat up and looked around. He was laying on a beach. Behind him was a dense forest and in front of him were the rapids that had nearly killed him.

He was freezing. He was chattering. Why hadn't his armour regulated his body heat.

He looked at his Chest plate to see various scratches all over it. The rocks had went through the two inch bullet proof metal that he had been wearing.

His visor had been smashed open and his hair and face were soaked. He spit out some water and little bit of blood out on to the sand.

He got up. It was hard to stand with a frozen body.

He began walking along the shore searching for Ryan or the other soldiers that had came with them, but there was no sign of them.

The sun was beginning to set. He would have to fund shelter soon. Who knows what was out here.

There was no use of staying on the beach so he wondered into the forest. The bugs were terrible, buzzing around his ears and getting in his mouth. Then these little fly like things began landing on him and sucking his blood. He slapped them to kill them.

Someone had once told him they were mosquitoes whatever those were.

He wondered through the brush looking for a cave or anything for shelter. Then he heard a scream. A human scream. It was Ryan.

He instantly began running towards the scream.

He came into an open files stretching as far as the eye could see.

He began walking into the fields unsure if he even heard the screams. Maybe he was hallucinating. He was thirsty when he thought about it. Actually he was hungry.

He sat down on a rock holing his head. He had a headache. Maybe he wasp sing his mind, maybe he had swallowed to much water or something.

He heard movement in the bushes behind him.

He sprung up and grabbed his gun from his back. It wasn't there. It must've been lost in the water.

He didn't know who or what was stalking him.

He looked up as a figure tackled him to the ground. Emille flipped over so that he was sitting on him and began throwing punches at the persons face.

Blood began leaking from his nose and then with a giant push the person flipped Emille over and did the same to him. Emille could feel the blood dripping off his face, but he was now to tired, to thirsty, to hungry to fight back. He just lay there as he watched the figure pull out a small knife and walk closer to him.

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