No end in sight

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Emille got to his feet. He turned behind him to see soldiers on his side shooting at the enemy in front of him. The battle was going on in front and all around the temple.

He focused his attention back to the burning heap of metal, that had used to be the jeep. He ran to it.

"Troy!" He yelled.

Just gun shots from the battle. A spear flew by his head striking the ground just feet away. Emille looked to where it had came from. There was an enemy soldier placed on top of the temple. Another spear came down and barely missed.

Two soldiers ran to where Emille was. One soldier had a white band across his helmet, the markings of a medic, the other had all black armour and was armed with the casual machine gun.

"Here take this." The medic said tossing Emille a brand new Emille.

Emille slid the helmet on and out of the corner of his eye could see another spear heading towards the soldier.

Before even saying anything the soldier ducked and rolled to the right then fired to precise shots. Emille just watched as the enemy toppled off the temple.

"You might want this too."

The soldier handed Emille a new gun.

Emille loaded it.

"My friend, he's buried in this wreck somewhere."

"There's no use now, he may be dead." The medic replied.

"You have to try." Emille told him.

Emille crouched down and fired a few shots. An explosion rang out.

"Advance the tanks to the left perimeter." A soldier shouted.

A slow mechanical rumble was heard before a massive mechanical foot about three metres wide slammed down beside Emille. The whole ground shook on the impact.

Emille covered his ears. The tank fired. He watched as the two metre long missile launched towards the enemy. Right before impact two missiles broke away from the original one and struck the ground with an immense explosion.

Another tank identical to the size of this one appeared beside it.

Two jeeps raced by Emille both shooting chains of ammunition.

"We have to keep up with the battle." The soldier told Emille.

Emille new this was it. It was war. People die and people live. People have to make decisions and this was his. He looked at the burning vehicle for the last time before jogging away.

The temple had numerous gaping and flaming holes in it created by the tanks.

The tanks were called iron behemoths. They had one large cannon and six sub machine guns. They were the length of one school bus and the size of a two story building and were able to carry up to seventy soldiers.

Emille caught up to the war. He fired a few shots and ducked behind a barricade. He felt a thump on the other side. It was a spear. Who ever this enemy was they were very primitive. They didn't have any guns or any technology to their weapons. The only reason they couldn't beat them was because Emille and his army were outnumbered ten to one.

Emille looked over the barricade just in time to see a knife coming towards his head at the right. He ducked, grabbed the arm and broke it. The man yelled out in pain but was silenced as Emille shot two bullets into his chest. Another man was running at him. The soldier got blown over to the ground.

Confused, Emille looked at the body. A gun shot wound, but who? He turned around to see a soldier standing there with his gun pointed up.

"Nice shot." Emille complemented.

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