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Three weeks had come and gone since the night of the party. Ever since then Camila and Lauren had started talking to each other again. They'd been quick to fall back into the groove of being friends. Camila avoided bringing up old feelings, and potentially ruining all the progress they'd made. She tuned out the rest of the world as she reread Lauren's last text.

We've been at the studio for weeks and it just doesn't feel quite right, you know? – Lauren

I mean I'm happy about the album, but it just feels like something's missing... like someone's missing – Lauren

Camila smiled and went through the words several times. She more than understood that feeling. The feeling of pride mixed with a hint of sadness because of sacrifices made. A solo career is everything Camila had ever dreamed of, but she'd had to leave a group of girls that had become family to her. Camila laughed bashfully when Lauren's next text came in – she had a habit of texting several times in a row.

There used to be this tiny Cuban running around all the time cracking bad jokes. – Lauren

bad jokes that you found Hilarious – Camila


Camila startled and looked up. Sam sat on the opposite end of a couch as her. Eyebrow raised and a curious look on her face. Camila had failed to notice that her friend had been trying to get her attention for the past few minutes. They were in L.A. at Camila's rented apartment having one of their weekly movie nights, but Camila hadn't been watching the movie at all.

"Dude, I've been saying your name for about an hour," Sam griped playfully. Camila scoffed.

"You're so dramatic, it hasn't been an hour," she mumbled with a shrug. Her eyes nearly fell to her phone again.

"What's got you all dopey looking?" The blonde asked while moving closer to her to snatch her phone.

"It's nothing," Camila said as she pulled her phone out of Sam's reach.

"If it's nothing then why can't your absolute bestest friend in the entire universe see, huh?" Sam attempted to swipe the phone from her hands again, but Camila was quick to hold it above their heads to avoid it. "Were you watching porn? Cause I gotta say, I would totally leave the room if ya gotta..."

"Oh my god nooo," Camila said through a laugh.

"Hmmhm." Sam raised an eyebrow and waited for whatever juicy gossip Camila would probably send her way.

"It's just Lauren," she said nonchalantly; although there was no hiding her blush, and certainly no way to calm the surge of excitement running through her just at the thought of the older Cuban.

"Ooooh Lauren," Sam teased with super exaggerated kissing sounds. "Did she breakup with Lucy? Are you guys finally eloping?"

"It's not like that and no she hasn't broken up with Lucy. They're great for each other, why would she?" Camila hated that she genuinely believed Lucy was a great person for Lauren. Maybe if she didn't she wouldn't feel so guilty about still harboring feelings for Lauren.

"Yeah, Lucy's pretty hot. I'd tap that," Sam agreed with pursed lips.

"You're such a fuckboy."

"Anyway," Sam replied with a halfhearted glare, "you do seem pretty happy lately. And I know it's cause you and Lauren are friends again-"

"But?" Camila sighed.

"But I think you forgot what happened the last time you were friends with her. She broke your heart."

i can't explain it (i love the pain) - camrenWhere stories live. Discover now