Chapter 1 - The deal

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Life is all about change....and it depends on the choices you make. You always have a choice.

Fab5 are presently seated in the conference hall of Q-label. In front of them were five other people who play an important role in the making of their next album music video. Silence in the room indicates the tension in the atmosphere.

Manik Malhotra is in deep thoughts glancing at the contract papers in his hand and the person sitting in front of him alternatively. Mr. Verma who is going to direct the album is not able to estimate the reaction of the great rockstar. He is extremely tensed not being able to understand the expressions on his face. Finally Manik asks the question they are waiting and expecting for and at the same time not able to pin point what he is referring to.

"What is this.....?"

Is that even a question..? Not understanding the silence in the room , the tensed face of the crew and the never ending curiosity, Cabir breaks the silence.

"Manik, how stupid question is this. These are the contract papers we have to sign. If you don't remember let me remind you this is what we are here for...."

Nothing....absolutely nothing. Manik didn't even move his eyes from the director as if he is going to answer his unasked questions. Not able to contain the curiosity Mukti snatches the contract papers from Manik to know what made him glare the crew seating in front of them.

"What the...?? How can you cast Soha opposite Manik? And most importantly it's always Aliya who works with Manik in any music video. How can you replace her without even informing us about it. This is ridiculous....."

When Mukti was busy questioning the crew, remaining three went through the paper to confirm whether what they heard a few minutes back is right or their ears are just ringing. Aliya as always possessive about what is hers and of course Manik, was the first one to react among the three.

"What the hell is this? How can you just replace me? This is so not done....Manik why aren't you saying something??"

"Aliya mam, we just wanted to try something new. It's always been you and Manik sir who are seen onscreen. Audience will want to see something new. That's the only reason why we chose Soha mam, and Mr. Khurana as well want to launch her and this will be a great start for her career too. We wanted to discuss this matter personally , which is the reason we invited you people here. If not for this we would have sent someone to your office itself. Please try and understand."said Mr. Verma to control the situation.




" Mr Verma, I understand what you are trying to say, but I won't be able to work with someone new and develop chemistry. Soha , definitely a big NO. The songs we composed for this album are really emotional and every song depicts an enchanting love story. For this we need someone who is beautiful, homely, expressive, sober and sensuous. Not some ramp model who is desperately waiting for a break. If you think that you need a fresh face , then it's fine we will try to get comfortable with this change. I guess you should first audition a few and then come to a conclusion. I'm sure you have better options. And one more thing, I heard that you make.....mmhh....(Manik Malhotra, hesitating to speak now that's new) know.....erotic videos , with beach locations and all that. You might have heard that I don't do lip locks and such stuff. So I hope you got the clue on what I'm trying to say. We will meet and sign the contract after you find a good costar for me. Hope to see you soon....."

In the entire discussion no one spoke a single word. This is the charm of Manik Malhotra. When he speaks you are bound to listen even if you don't want to.

In the meeting that went for almost one hour. Dhruv as usual didn't speak. But surprisingly cabir have not spoken a word as well. He was a silent spectator. He was observing how calmly Manik handled everything , who infact gets angry even if his coffee is not in time. He expected him to shout and scare the hell out of everyone present in the room,....but this....definitely NOT.

Manik just walked out of the room followed by fab4, not waiting or giving any opportunity for the other person to speak. Once they are out of the building he went saying that he is really busy and has meetings lined up and that he will talk to them at night. They decided to meet at Malhotra mansion at 8:00 for dinner.

The only question running in every person's mind who encountered the situation is.......

"How the hell did Manik Malhotra be so calm...???" Now this can be answered by Manik himself.


After Fab5 left the room....

The assistant director who listened everything took Mr. Verma to a corner to tell him his point of view on the situation.

"Sir, I think Manik sir is right. We know neither Aliya nor Soha will be able to make lovable chemistry with Manik sir. I think we should cast some one after the screen test with sir. I have someone in mind sir and I think she will be just perfect for this album. But there is a small problem..."

"What is it?"


"Are you sure about this? "

"I'll try my best to convince her..."

"Now think how we are going to convince that Khurana...."

They left to do the most difficult task to convince the stubborn father-daughter duo.

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