Chapter 5 - The Prank

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Nandini started walking in the dark corridar towards cabir's room. She was really excited but was a little tensed about the outcome. Taking quite steps in the silent night, nandini reached his room. She jiggled the door knob to see if its open.  

Cabir was in deep sleep, his hands and legs wide spread, lost in the dreamland of food and music. That's cabir everywhere, it's his world even when he is awake. Nandini entered the room silently and moved towards his bed. She smiled looking at cabir and realized he is still a kid at heart and the most wonderful person she ever met. But of course she is not going to change her mind after looking at his cute face. 

She started to pull the blanket covering him, slowly. Cabir felt the cool air touch his skin and shivered. He pulled the blanket close to his chest and felt satisfied with the warmth it provided. Nandini again pulled the blanket, this carried on for the next five minutes. Cabir finally got irritated and got up to shout at the person disturbing his sleep. But, found a girl standing with her hair covering her face, in her t-shirt and pajamas. And he being cabir started talking to her. 

"Hey, I'm cabir, who are you?"

"Are you lost?"

"By the way this is my friend's farmhouse. Where were you supposed to go?"

Nandini got pissed that instead of getting scared he started a conversation with her. How about getting her a hot chocolate? Idiot!!

She was loosing her patience and made a scary noise.

"Arghhh ......"

"What happened? Oh, you must be hungry. First let me give you a glass of water. And what's your name?" He started walking towards the glass of water kept on the table.

"Cabir, I'm Maya, your Maya. How can you not remember me? I came back for you cabir. Just for you." said Nandini. Though cabir was clueless and halfasleep till now, this definetly woke him up. 

He stopped right where he was standing and turned towards her as slowly as possible. After realizing what is actually happening, he flipped. He screamed as loud as possible and started running. He reached Manik's room and started banging the door. 

Listening to the loud banging , Manik woke up and opened the door to find cabir standing there with sweat dripping from his forehead. Seeing cabir in this state, so scared, he asked him what the matter is.

"Manik, there is a spirit in this house. She is saying that she came back for me. Manik I'm really scared. I think we should inform everyone." replied Cabir huffing and puffing.

"Cabir calm down, and first drink some water. You know there are no spirits and devils in this world. Its just our imagination. I think you just had a bad dream." said Manik, getting him a glass of water.

When he turned to put the empty glass on the table. He saw a reflection of a girl standing behind him in the mirror. Till now he just thought that Cabir had a nightmare and was scared, but now he knew why he was actually scared. Manik screamed and dropped the glass. Perplexed cabir rushed to him but stopped looking at the girl again.  Both of them looked at each other and sreamed again like a small child who saw a boogeyman under her bed. 

But I still don't how the rest of them are sleeping so peacefully. Huh.. strange...

Manik and cabir ran from there as fast as possible. Running down the stairs screaming on the top of their voice they hid behind the pillars in the living room. Such babies they are...

Listening to the loud noises, everyone woke up and reached the living room trying to understand the situation. Manik and chair came out from behind the pillars as they realized its their friends and not the girl.

Everyone got scared looking at Alya, who looked like a devil herself in the face pack she had on. Everyone were continuously talking giving their opinion, asking questions, narrating the incidents. Suddenly they heard the noise behind them near the staircase and turned.

There stood the girl not moving an inch. This time again everyone screamed together.

Man that's a lot of screaming for one night..!!!

Thinking this has gone too far, and she has had her fun, Nandini started laughing looking at them.

Well,  was it a good idea though? Has she pushed the wrong buttons? Did she go too far for her own good? Let's see...

I know this is not what you all expected. But I lost the touch and interest in writing this story. I have absolutely no inspiration. Please bear with this part and I'll try and improve the next one.

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