Llamas to the rescue

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"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" i screamed.

Where am i right now you might ask?

Well i am currently falling.

And when i say falling i mean i am quite literally going to die soon.

How this happened? Well lets go back a little bit.

______________________Before the falling thing______________________

After Deadpool had left me alone i was feeling down. However i now had a plan to make my life better.

I had been walking down the streets of NYC when i remembered that i know how to get someone to help me.

Now all i needed was a bazooka and a hotdog.

Although my plan was perfect in every way what i wasn't expecting was for me to be taken hostage while looking for a bazooka.

Now i think about it walking alone down that dark ally way probably was not one of my best ideas.

I was knocked out before i could even ask where the bazookas were. They have such bad service.

When i woke up i found my self in a small room tied to a chair.


The door was slammed open and a large man wearing a black suit walked in. he took one look at me before grunting.

"I'm sorry i don't speak gorilla could you translate into english please?" i asked in a fake sweet voice.

He glared at me expecting me to be afraid but is glare was nothing compared too batman's.

We had been in silence for at least five minutes but then i was bored.

"Hey you know what!" i shouted at the angry looking monkey man. " This was the first time i was knocked out in this universe!"

The man simply raised an eyebrow.

" i mean when i was in DC i was knocked out at least five times by now!" i exclaimed happily.

Again the man showed no emotion towards me.

" Of course you have no idea what I'm going on about because you only from the comic book world where as I'm from the real world but i don't think you'll be able too grasp the concept......."

"WILL YOU SHUT UP! NOTHING YOUR SAYING IS MAKING ANY SENCE!!!" the man cut me off by shouting. He spoke in a deep British ascent.

"Way to kill the cliché! i thought you would be a Russian mob boss or something!" i chirped out happily.

"Really? thats all you have to say about this situation? you didn't even ask who i was or why your here!" the man screamed.

" Oh! I'm sorry was I supposed to act afraid? WAIT do it again this time I'll try to look scared! Okay?"

He grunted once again.

Time to have some fun.

" Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Noooooooo!!!!! Please stop grunting I'll do any thing I swear! Money? You can have it!!!! Please just let me go!!!" I shouted hysterically.

" Shut up. The boss will be in here shortly, now sit still and behave yourself otherwise I'm going to have to really 'kill' the cliché. If you know what I mean." He deadpanned.

" was that I death threat? I think it was a death threat!" I exclaimed happily. " fine I promise to be on my best behaviour when meeting the boss!"

At that moment the door slammed open and a man taller then the other stood glaring at me.

He was buff and had hard looking eyes.

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