Tin Cans and Pingu

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"Sunshine, lollipops! Rainbows and butterflies!!! " I sang happily.

I yeah I was falling.

I mean I still am falling.

The ground is a lot further away than I had anticipated!

" Any one want to come save me now that would be much appreciated." I deadpanned.

Oh right this is a cliche universe. Fine.

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Help!!! I'm to young to die!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

All of a sudden I felt something grab my wrist.

It was cold and uncomfortable.

" your welcome." A robot voice deadpanned.

Looking up a noticed the typical red and gold meaning the one and only Tony stark had just saved my butt.

" I never thought I'd be so happy to see a tin can!!!" I smiled happily towards iron man.

"Did you just call me a Tin can!" Tony shouted unhappily.

"Well yeah. You are basically a giant flying tin can!" I smiled innocently up at him.

"So no 'Oh mister Stark you saved my life I'm forever grateful!' " He mumbled slightly.

"Not from this girl, Sorry. Hey, Where are we going exactly?" I asked.

"Well considering i just caught you falling through the air after jumping out of the window of one of the most well known mob bosses buildings, Im going to take you to the avengers tower where you need to answer some questions." He deadpanned before flying slightly faster than before.

" Yay! I've always wanted to meet the avengers!" I giggled happily.

" Yeah sure." He sighed.

------------------------------------Le time skip-------------------------------------------

Shortly after flying through the air with the one and only Tony stark we reached the Avengers tower.

As soon as we touched ground i tried to run off into the building but Tony had a strong grip.

"Where do you think your going?" He looked down at me.

I gave him a small glare. "Is that a trick question? I'm trying to go meet the avengers! But your making that kinda difficult by holding on to my wrist there!" I stated sarcastically.

"well I'm not just going to let you run off into the building by yourself!" He exclaimed.

"And why not! Batman let me go to the justice league tower by my self and that was in space!" I shouted not realising what i had said.

"Did you just say batman? As in comic book batman?"

I smiled slightly. " Maybe."

"I always pick up the crazy ones."

" Hey i'm not crazy i'm just mentally unique! Now i suggest you let go before i go full ninja on your butt!" I glared.

"Yeah right." He smirked. " What can you possibly do while I'm in my amor?!"

I looked around looking for something that could help me. I looked up at him.

"I need to pee." I deadpanned.


" I. Need. To. Pee." I said through gritted teeth.

"Thats your plan. To go pee so i let you go? How stupid do you think I am?!" He smirked.

"well unless you want me to pee all over your nice floor right here then i suggest you let me go."

"Yeah sure. And do you want me to show you to the front door while I'm at it?" He laughed slightly.

Damn it! That normally works. All well plan two i guess.

I leaned in close towards Tony. I took a deep breath.

"Tony." I whispered. "NOOT NOOT NOOT NOOT NOOT NOOT NOOT!!!" I screamed.

At that moment to of pure shock his grip lessens just enough for me to break free. thank you pingu!

I ran as fast as i possibly could towards the door.
I'm gonna make it!!!

As I reach the door I pull hard in the handle and to my surprise it was unlocked!

" IM FREE!!!" I screamed as I saw Tony try and rush towards me.

I ran through the door and almost immediately crashed in to some one.

" Ouch." I groaned.

" And where do you think your going?"

A strong Brooklyn accent spoke.

" I knew I could smell freedom! How ya doing Steve!?!" I smiled happily up towards him.

At that moment Tony bust through the door.


I gave him a wide grin.

This was coming to be fun!

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