Ed Sheeran would treat me better

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"10007385525837, bottles of milk on the wallllllll!!!" I sang loudly.

Where was I you ask? Well after my run in with Steve and a angry Tony they dragged me to the interrogation room.

Anyway, I've been in here for around an hour or so so I decided to keep myself occupied by singing!

"10007385525836, bottles of milk on the wall!!!" I shouted.

At that moment the door slammed open.

There was stood the one and only black widow.

" Hey Nat!" I smiled happily.

She said nothing keeping her face completely emotionless. She walked towards the table and took a seat opposite me.

" Name." She deadpanned.

" oh, it's the interrogation game!!! I love this game!!!" I clapped happily!

Nat sighed, " Name." She tried again.

" oh yeah! Sorry, my names Erin!" I exclaimed happily.

She glared at me once more.

" you don't seem to smile that much Nat!" I leaned closer to her.

She raised an eyebrow in response.

" There's not much to smile about." She glared before looking back at the papers she held in her hand.

"Well, that's a lie. There's loads of things to smile about! I mean, have you seen that video of that dog spiting out loads of tatertots? It's hilarious! And I mean look at me!" I swished my hair with the back of my hand. " I'm a very funny person to be around!" I stated happily.

Nat looked at me, but for like an unnaturally long time.

"Hey there buddy! We gonna get back to investigating or what?"

At that moment she stood up and left.

"WAS IT SOMETHING I SAID!!!" I yelled after her.

After Nat left I was board. And you know when I'm board bad stuff happens.

To start with I began to whistle. Then I began to tap my foot. Then I stood on the table and reacted lion king.

I was still board!!!! I looked around the room looking for some kind of escape route, and that's when I saw it! A vent!

I quickly jumped back on the table and pulled at the vent bars, due to the fact I'm in a comic book universe the vent came right off and I crawled in quickly.

I shuffled down the narrow vent and began humming the mission possible theme tune.

I turned a corner and came across a small opening. As I looked down I noticed Cap, Tony and Nat talking.

"I can't interrogate her!!! She won't take anything seriously!" Nat complained.

" She can't be that bad!" Steve argued.

Tony stood shaking slightly only mumbling the occasional 'Satan's spawn'.

" You try then mr freedom!" Nat exclaimed glaring at steve.

" Maybe i will" he huffed. He began to make he way towards the interrogation room.

I was about to make my grand escape when suddenly the loud robotic voice of Jarvis echoed out.

"Sir, are you aware of the female in the venting systems? Or should I start lock down protocol?" He asked.

"REALLY JARVIS!! I was trying to be a ninja!!" I complained.

It was at that point both Tony and Nat looked up to see me.

" HEY! Get back here!!" Tony yelled.

"No can do!" I yelled back before I began to crawl again.

" MAKING MY WAY DOWN TOWN!!!" I sang, in my defence I was making the situation slightly less tense!

At that moment the vent decided to break and i began to fall.

"Ahhhhhh!" i screamed.

Fortunately i fell on to one of the sofas. Tony and Nat were next to me in seconds.

"Oh, Hey guys, Fancy seeing you here!" i smiled towards them both.

They both simultaneously groaned.


"... and thats when i decided that shaving a guinnipig would make it look like a baby hippo.!" i exclaimed happily.

Steve groaned and banged his head against the table.

"What?!? Was it something I said?" I asked innocently.

" We've been sat here for over an hour and you still haven't told me anything of importance!" Steve exclaimed,

" I thought my story about that glue stick was quite thrilling thank you very much!" I frowned.

At that exact moment Tony walked into the interrogation room still glaring at me.

"You. Follow me." He deadpaned before walking out of the room.

" Ed SHEERAN WOULDN'T TREAT ME LIKE THAT!" I shouted after him before giving one last smile to Steve then exiting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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