Classes and Malfoy

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QOTC Answer: Calypso

Percy POV

I woke up to people snickering and shushing each other. I groaned silently and pulled Annabeth closer. Oh yeah. I'd forgotten we'd fallen asleep on the couch.

"Hey lovebirds. Up and at 'em. Come on we have classes." Leo said, shaking my shoulder.

I flung him off and stood, careful not to disturb Annabeth.

"Class? Oh great!" I groaned.

"Aw, it ain't that bad, Kelpie! We get some free time!" Leo linked his arm with mine and made me skip with him while he sang, "We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!"

Eventually, Jason and Frank joined. We were all skipping around the common room singing, when suddenly...

"What the- Percy? What are you doing?" Harry said as he came down the stairs.

"Skipping and singing. What does it look like?" I linked my arm with his and pulled him along. Then he grabbed Ron. Then I tripped, and fell onto Annabeth.


Oh Styx. I ran. "AHHHHHHHH!"

She tackled me in the hallway."What is wrong with you?"

"I was skipping!"

She stared at me, arm still pressed lightly on my throat. "What?"

"Never mind. Can I get up now?"

She stood up and we walked back to the common room. On the way she told me not to skip anymore. At least not around her, because she really didn't appreciate having people fall on her.

I smacked Leo in the back of the head on the way to our first class, Transfiguration.

"Ow! What the Hades, man?"

"Don't call me Kelpie."


All the guys raced to the Great Hall for lunch. After this, we had a free period! Whoop!

"So," Harry said, biting into a chicken leg, "Part two in the Free Period?"

I nodded and turned to Jason. "No bragging, cuz. Okay?"

His face contorted into a protesting face, and Piper patted his arm. "Shut up, Kelpie." She said.

I grumbled and continued eating. "Callin' me Kelpie.....gonna call Coach...people these days..." I muttered under my breath.

-Free period-

"So, story time?" I turned to Leo, Jason, and Piper to tell about their quest.

Jason started. "It all started when I woke up on a bus with Leo and Pipes. Piper thought we were dating, but that was just a trick of the Mist."

"Mist? Like fog?" Ron asked.

"Nah. Magical Mist hides divine forms and monsters, making them look normal."


"So then, everyone thought I was part of the class, and I accepted it because I had amnesia. Then the venti attacked. Luckily, Coach was there, and I had demigod instincts, so we took them down, but not before Leo was thrown down the Grand Canyon."

"It's not fun." Leo interrupted.

"Then, as the venti left, they kidnapped Coach and threw Pipes down. I caught her and we floated up, which is when I found out I could control air."

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