Chapter 3

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At the institute

*3th person*

The front door swung open revealing Alec with sweat dropping from his face.

' Skyler!!!! Sky ?!!?!', He shouted through the institute.

Lydia looked up from a rapport she was reading and was shocked by Alecs bloody face.

' Alec what happened ?', she asked while she ran towards him.

' Where is your sister ? Where the hell is Skyler ?', he yelled.

The other shadowhunters also didn't know where the brown haired girl was and they went back to work.

 ' Did Sky do this to you?', Lydia asked while looking at his broken nose.

' Yes but it wasn't what you think. We got a-', And he stoped in the middle of sentence knowing he was saying to much.

' You what?', she asked with a bit of rage.

' We uh.. well I mean I... ', He stutterd not knowing what to say to his future wife.

' He kissed her when she was helping him with his wound ', A man's voice wet form behind.

They turned around seeing Magnus walking towards them. Lydia looked at Magnus and then back at Alec.

' You are lucky she only broke your nose ', she said with a glare and then walking away.

' Thank you Magnus ', Alec said turning to the warlock.

' What did you do ?', Magnus asked and Alec sighted.

He nodded to Magnus to follow him and they walked to Alec's room.

' Close the door and lock it ', alec said while grabbing a towel.

' Now tell me what you did ', Magnus said stern.

 ' I was taking Meliorn to the silent brothers and me and the security squad got ambused. When I walked to the entrance Jace and Clary appeared trying to stop me and later on Skyler appeared too', he said and looked at the ground.

' They tried to stop me and Jace and I got in a fight. Skyler stopped us by screaming and then the ground shook making us stop. But Jace soon punched me again and I am certain she used magic to get rid off him Magnus ', Alec said finaly looking at the warlock.

' It was Alec but we will talk about that later. Continue ', Magnus said and walked to Alec's bed sitting down next to him.

' Skyler tried to talk some sense into me and I said horrible stuff about her marriage wich I shouldn't have done but it hapened – AUW ', Alec yelled as Magnus gave him a slap in the back of his head.

 ' That's for being an asshole Alexander ', Magnus said.

' Okay I deserved that.. Skyler totally kicked my butt and shouted at me. With that she was gone and I panicked when I couldn't find her. We have to find her Magnus. I can't lose her ', He said looking at the warlock with horror in his eyes.

 ' Alexander are you telling me you have feelings for her ? ', Magnus said with a smirk.

' I don't know. I only know her for two days but it feels like we have known eachother for ever.. and that kiss ', he said with a sigh.

' I think I know where she is but you have to promise me to give her some time. The death of her fiance is a fresh wound and what you did was pretty bad Alexander ', Magnus said and stood up.

' I promise but I have to ask you one more thing before getting her ', Alec said and also stood up from his bed.

' Of course ', magnus said.

Just a distraction ~ Alec Lightwood DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now