Chapter 7

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Today would go down in history as one of the worst days of my life. Alec and Lydia woud get married today and there nothing I could do. I woke up when my alarm went of playing ' wide awake ' from Katy Perry. But I wasn't feeling awake at all. I put on my black ripped skinny jeans with my white calvin klein sweater and walked out seeing if there was anything I could do outside of the institute. Any mission was better then staying in this hell hole. As I walked down the glass stairs I bumped into someone and shot thema n angry glare only to see that is was Maryse Lightwood. Great. ' Oh it's you ', she said and gave me a disguisted look. ' Maryse ', I said and tried to walk away. ' I have to congratulate you with your sister. I am so glad Alec chose her and not a abomanation like you ', she said with a stern look. My blood started to boil and and clenched my jaw. My fist turned white and she noticed I was pissed. I digged my nails into my skin and tried to keep calm. I let my hands go and breathed out. ' I am glad things worked out for all of us. If you'll excuse me I have work to do ', I said calm and walked away. As I was walking I looked at my hands seeing blood all over them from my nails digging into my skin. ' How do we get any work done here?', I heard and as I looked up I saw Jac and Izzy walkin tot he monitors. ' Hey guys wait up ', I siad and jogged towards them. ' Hey Skyler How are you doing ?', Izzy asked. ' I am excellent. So what are we working on ?', I asked turning to Jace who was at the monitor. ' We have to find the warlock who cast the spell on Clary's mom ', Jace said and the warlocks appeard on the screen. Izzy and Jace started to argue again and I was looking at the pictures of warlocks. As I was looking I regonised one of them as one of Magnus's closest friends. ' Call Magnus. I think I found him ', I said and walked away.

About fiftheen minutes later I walked to a meeting room with Magnus and Jace already inside. ' Hey cupcake', Magnus said and gave me a kiss on my cheek as I sat down next to him. Clary walked in and I saw Jace getting weird. ' Just got back from training ?', he asked her. ' Yeah I have been working on my right hook ', she said and leaned on the glass table. ' Good good... It's a good punch ', Jace said. ' Yeah that's why I am working on it ', she replied. ' God this is the worst conversation I have ever heard ', I sighted and looked at Magnus who chuckled. ' Yeah why didn't we do this at me my place?', Magnus said shaking his head. ' At least there we would have cocktails ', he filled in. ' It's nine in the morning ', Clary stated with a cocked eyebrow. ' It is happy our somewhere ', Magnus said. ' Preach ', I brought out and high fived magnus annoying Clary and Jace. Hodge walked in and I immediatly sat up straight wanting to know if I was right about the warlock. ' I spit through the list of warlocks and count it down these three ', Hodge said and the three appeared including the one I ment. ' Why is Ragnor up there? He is not more powerfull than me ', Magnus said defensive. ' Oh sshhh honey It's okay you are jelly of him ', I coed earing a glare from my bestie. ' But why would it be him ?', I asked. ' Well Ragnor did teach at the shadowhunter academy in Idris back in the 90's', Magnus said and turned to Hodge. ' Isn't that when my mom left there ? Could he have made the potion ?', Clary asked. ' The little Bugger! That's why he hasn't responded to my fire message. Ever since Valentine began hunting warlocks, Ragnor's been holded up in his secret country house just outside of London. For all I know, Ragnor suspected my fire message was a ploy by Valentine to lure him out of hiding ', Magnus said and I grinned at my genious friend. ' I say we leave right now ', I said and stood up. I turned around and stood right infront of Alec and Lydia. ' We are just on our wat to greet a few representatives of the Clave but now I can't help but wonder what the five of you are doing here ', Lydia stated. ' Nobody told me about this meeting ', Alec said offended. ' It's none of your concern', I said sounding angry already. ' Magnus figured out that Ragnor Fell is the warlock who can wake my mom. We're just bringing him back to the institute ', Clary said and I glared at the redhead. ' How can I help?', Alec asked turning to Jace. ' We are just recovering a warlock, Alec. We got this covered', Jace said crossing his arms over his chest. ' And the two of you got to keep your names high infront of those clave memebers right? We don't want the two of you dmaaging those names ', I said and walked away bumping Alec's shoulder. The rest of them followed after me and we got ready to leave. ' What was that about?', Magnus asked me. ' What?', I said trying to sound like I didn't know what he ment. ' The harshness against Alec', he said and gave me a caring look. ' It is complicated Mag', I said and sighted. ' We will figure it all out. After this I will find you some nice arm candy ', he said and ruffled my hair.

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