Chapter 8

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As the sun was shining through the window a soft groan was heard next to me. I openend my eyes slowly adjusting them to the bright morning light. I turned to my left and looked at Alec who was still sleeping peacefully. His raven hair was messy and his mouth was slightly open causing me to hear a soft snore. I moved my arm so I could lay my head on it and stared at the ceiling. I can't believe we are finaly togheter, Well I think we are. Alec made me forget about the past and the weird thing was that I was ready to forget a bit of it. Not everything but just a little.

 ' Hey ', I heard softly and I turned back to Alec, who was now awake.

' Morning ', I said as a  smile spread across my face.

' How are you feeling ?', he asked still looking at me.

' I feel different actually', I said and sat up straight but making sure the covers where still over me.

' Different how? ', he asked sitting up too.

' I don't know actually. It feels so good but it is different is is like I am –', he didn't let me finish ' whole ', he finished. ' yes ', I said and moved my hand through my hair.

' I feel that too ', he said and started to trace my healing rune wich was on the back of my right shoulder.

' Maybe we should get to work.. ', I said soft not looking away from him.

' Probably. I just wan't to enjoy this moment a bit longer', he said and leaned towards me. Our lips touched and a grin appeared on my face.

Suddenly the door swung open revealing Izzy. ' Oh Shit ', Izzy and I said at the same time while Alec moved in front of me so she wouldn't see my bare body.

' Ever heard of knocking?', Alec asked irritated.

' Ever heard of a lock ? If you don't want me to come in you should lock the door ', she said sarcastic.

' It was locked ', I said confused not knowing how it openend.

' You two need to work today. Everyone is looking fort he two of you ', she said with a smirk.

' give us ten minutes ', Alec said. Izzy gave him a nod and closed the door. Alec groaned and let himself fall into his pillow.

' Tell me your problems mister Lightwood ', I said and drew circles on his bare chest.

 ' We just can't have one day off can we ?', he asked looking at me.

' We will survive okay. We just need to suck it up and keep on smiling. No biggie', I chuckeld as I got up from the bed while wrapping a sheet around me.

' Ha ha you are so funny ', he said and got out of the bed too. I was looking in my drawer when I felt his warm and muscular body against mine.

' Can't we stay in here for a few more ', he whispered against my neck.

' We had ten minutes. It is six now ', I said while leaning into him.

' That's all I need darling ', he said and grabbed my waist causing me to grin.

' Finaly ', Izzy said as Alec and I walked towards her.

' Where are Jace and Clary?', I asked looking for the lovebirds.

' They are probably talking about everything that they discoverd latetly about their family situation ', Alec said crossing his arms over his chest.

Just a distraction ~ Alec Lightwood DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now