Chapter 10

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'Thanks again Magnus for letting me stay ', I said and threw my bag and myself on the king size bed. 'I am glad you are. We do have to figure out why the potion didn't work and this wil make things a little easier for me', he said and laid down next to me on the bed. ' So how are you and Alec?', he asked as we where staring at the ceiling. ' We are fine. Well I think. It is difficult with him you know ', I said with a sigh. ' I did notice that he isn't really an open person', Magnus said and gave me a smirk. ' Oh shut it ', I said and gave him a push. ' So Chinese take out ?', he asked and stood up. ' Uh DUH ', I commented and followed him to the living room.

' That is so not true !', I laughed while slapping magnus with a pillow. ' Oh yes it was. Your crush on Elliot was pathetic. Remember when I had to introduce you to him?', he said and took a sip of his margarita. ' Oh please don't. That was so embarrising ', I groaned and shook my head. ' It was adorable. Never expected that it would turn out into the most beautiful love story I would ever witness and I have seen a few', he sighted and took another sip. ' Unfortunately no happy ending though ', I said and grabbed his margarita. ' You found one. That's what counts ', he said and grabbed back his margarita making me chuckle. ' you mean Alec ?', I asked picturing him. ' He is the one for you. I can feel it honey ', he said with a smile. ' Would you mind If he comes over ?', I asked hopefull. He stood up and turned to away. ' If you clean your own sheets it's fine by me', he said and ran away knowing I would throw something at him. ' Ha ha Magnus ', I yelled with a chuckle. I grabbed my phone and dialled Alec's nummer. ' Hii Sky', I heard on the other and making me grin from ear to ear. ' hey.. I miss you ', I said and played with my hair. ' I miss you too', he said with a sigh. ' Wanna come over ?', I asked. ' I can't Sky. The institute is on lockdown ', he said making me frown. ' ow well maybe you can slip out and find your damsel in destress? ', I asked making him chuckle. ' I'll try babe ', he said. ' I love you ', I whispered. ' I love you too', I heard before the connection was broken.

The current situation is that I am waiting here for about half an hour with no word from Alec. 'Still waiting ?', Magnus asked as he walked by in his bathrobe. ' He'll come.. I hope ', I spoke up as I mumbled the last part. ' Honey his situation with the institute will be over in a jiffy and when it is you and Alec will see each other twenty-four seven. Maybe a bit of distance is good', he said as he plopped down next to me. ' you think he wants some distance?', I asked and sat up straight. ' well what if he does? Is that so bad?', he asked. ' No but..', I sighed thinking about what to say. ' No but yes?', he questioned making me chuckle and nod my head. ' You need a distraction ', he said and stood up. He threw of his bathrobe revealing a stylish outfit which made me smile. ' and here I was thinking my best friend wasn't a night person anymore ', I joked. ' Honey I am only waking up. Come on get dressed ', he said nudging me. ' Magnus I don't think this is a good idea ', I said with a sigh. ' No I won't have this. You need to do something with out him and with me', he said pulling me up. ' A distraction ?', I asked with a cocked eyebrow. ' just a little one', he added with a wink.

Magnus and I where currently at our favorite bar playing a game of pool. ' You think Alec needs a little alone time ? ', I asked as I hit the white ball making it fall in the hole again. 'when you two are separated you, both will find the need to see each other. So that means you are good togheter you know?', he said and grabbed the white ball. ' Yeah true but I just find it hard to leave him ', I said and leaned on the pool stick. ' I know but believe me Alec isn't like Eliot. Don't worry ', he said with a wink. ' I am gonna grab a drink, want some ? ', I asked already walking to the bar. ' the usual sweetie ', I heard making me grin. I leaned on the bar as the song ' fooled around and fell in love ' from Elvin Bishop started to play also known as one of my favorites. I hummed along and swayedmy hips on the relaxing beat when a pair of hands placed themselves on it making me freeze. I grabbed the hands and twisted them behind my back. I kicked the ankle of the stranger and bumped him against the ground. As I finaly looked at my attacker I connected with those magic hazel eyes I adored. ' Alec?', I breathed as he groaned. ' By the angel I always forget you are one of the better shadowhunters ', he mumbles as he pushes himself off the ground. ' How did you get out of the institute? I already gave up on you ', I said with a chuckle. ' how could you possibly think I wouldn't get out? Anything to hold you again. I know it's only been a few hours but I just can't miss you ', he said and pulled me into a hug. I leaned into him as he started to move a bit on the music. ' Alec Lightwood dancing? That does not happen often ', I whispered. ' I have a good teacher. Maybe you know her. She is quiet annoying, good shadowhunter though, likes mundane music and can be a pain in the ass –', he started but I cut him off with a playfull slap on his side. ' let me finish. She is also gorgeous, loving, strong and I am glad I can call her mine ', he breathed in my hair making me shiver. ' You are such an asskisser Alexander Lightwood ', I said and looked up. ' Since when do you call me that ?', he asked with a chuckle. ' Hmm I spend to much time with Magnus I guess ', I replied and looked at my bestie who was flirting with some guy over at the pool table. ' Do you think he'd notice if I steal you for a sec ? ', Ale asked as he laid his hands on my waist. ' We could leave longer than that ', I said with a grin. ' I don't need much longer', he said with a cocky smirk. ' believe me tonight you do ', I replied with an identical smirk as I pulled him along with me to the exit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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