~Chapter One~

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You had repeated to yourself at least 20 times the same sentence since you had woken up.

"This is so weird..."

Rika had gotten you a blanket, made you a coffee and had got you to sit at the table in her house. You were slightly concerned.

Her house was strange, the walls were all the same beige colour with nothing on them, no photos, pictures, paintings, that's not what you would expect from Rika. Not only that but her furniture was all the same, as if it was part of a set or was in a dolls house. Dull green sofa and pillows, dull green table mats and coasters, dull green kitchen counters, wooden floor, wooden chairs, wooden cabinets... And although the light was on and shining above you, it seemed quite dark. Abandoned, as if no one had lived there for a long time.

"I saw you lying out by the road outside and I couldn't just leave you there," you also noticed that she wasn't wearing the dress she had worn in all the photos Yoosung had shown you. Instead just a slightly baggy shirt and leggings, her hair wasn't really neat and was in a ponytail, it had seemed she'd lost all care for her appearance at all.

"I appreciate it," you took a sip from your coffee, "thank you,"

"It's fine, what else was I to do?" She put her chipped mug on the table and sat opposite you. "Have you come back to your senses?"

"Maybe?" You weren't sure how to answer that. Did she mean you realised that the RFA was some delusion, or did she mean had the world stopped spinning because no and no.

"It freaks me out how you knew my name..." She shook her head, stirring her tea with a spoon rather than drinking it, "you seemed so convinced about the FRA thing..."

"RFA, and I'm certain," how could it not be?

"Tell me about it, and this V guy I want to know more," she leaned forward a little a smiled slightly, waiting for an answer.

"I hadn't met you but I had met him, you were going to marry him I guess?" Did you tell her he faked her suicide and that she had created a cult?

"What was he like?"

"He was a photographer, he was quite kind, sweet, responsible, he would take the blame for everything..." You looked sad, but also... Why were you even telling her this?

"Was he handsome?"


"Then your definitely making it up," she laughed before sighing sadly, "was V really his name?"

"No... It was the name he used for his photographs... His really name was... Erm, some nice friendly Korean name." You quoted Zen.

"That doesn't help," she laughed,

"It began with a J? Jumin mentioned it once..." V had never told you his real name himself, but you were sure you had heard Jumin mention it...

"Jumin?"  She recognised the name. You could tell, she had leant forward more and her eyes were open wider, as if you were at the climax of a story.

"Yeah, Jumin Han..." You stared back, maybe that made a few things click...

"Oh, I know him, well not in person, I've never meant him, but I've seen him on TV a few times, my little cousin works as his assistant and he married some..."

"Yoosung!" Your eyes opened wider then Rika's until she realised you just somehow know everyone's name.

She leaned back, "yeah? Have you two met?"

"He was in the RFA..." She was going to begin not believing you again.

"What even is the RFA anyway?" She stilled looked concerned and even nervously took a sip from her tea, probably regretting letting you into her house.

"It's... Rika's Fundraising Association..." You watched her face turn a little, shocked and impressed, "it was a charity."

She laughed a little, "you're a good liar, as much as I would love to, I could never do that on my own."

"Well you didn't really..." You thought about how Rika must think you were crazy. "There was V, Yoosung, Saeyoung, Jumin, Zen and Jaehee..."



"As in the famous actor Zen!"


"No way, sorry but you have to be making this all up."  She seemed to want to believe it, a faded smile was at her lips, she was amused.

You were going to deny it, but there was probably no way in heaven Rika would believe it. It was silent for a little bit, you drunk your tea awkwardly.

"So Yoosung works for Jumin?" You wanted to smile, it was unfortunate.

"Yeah... I don't hear much from him anymore," she sighed, she didn't seem to see much of anyone. And it made sense why she never saw Yoosung, if he had taken Jaehee's place.

Suddenly a soft noise was heard, not human? But a dog. Your attention turned to the back door of Rika's house, and there you saw a small golden puppy with large brown eyes, scratching it's paws against the door.

"Oh, Sally!" Rika immediately got up and ran to the door,

"Sally?" You mumbled. Oh right, Sally. The reason Yoosung had decided to be a vet... If Sally hadn't died, Yoosung probably wouldn't have...

Rika pulled open the door and you watched the little puppy jump into her arms, "oh, I'm sorry it looked so cold out there I should have let you in sooner,"

It was cold outside, freezing in fact. The sky was looked as if it wasn't the clouds that made it grey. It was just dull.

"This is Sally!" Her mood had lightened, "is she in your dream too?"

Dream? Ouch.

"Yeah..." You answered,

"Creepy," she returned Sally to the floor and you watched her run right towards. You patted Sally on the head and watched her large eyes get larger.

"She likes you!" Rika giggled, sitting back down at the table. She took the first sip of her tea and thought for a moment. "I should call Yoosung... He'll know what to do."

You looked back up at Rika, who seemed to be reaching for her phone.

"I mean, if that's alright with you?" She asked, causing you to nod.

If this is what Rika's like? I wonder what Yoosung is like?

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