~Chapter Three~

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Jihyun Kim....

Directly in front of you was memorial. It contained a picture of young boy, mint hair, mint eyes, definitely V. Surrounding it were flowers, even after all this time people were people paying their respects to a kid who died ten years ago. Underneath, a news paper clipping, it read:

"To family he was a sweet innocent boy; to friends he was trustworthy and kind; to teachers he was smart, an aspiring photographer and determined. Therefore it was unclear why on the 3rd of November, 16 year old Jihyun Kim was found dead on the side of the road on - street. Police are investigating the death of the boy and loved ones hope the criminal is prosecuted. Jihyun was shot twice, once in the leg and the other in the chest, however the shooter is still unknown. The body was found he by local priest who said he was "horrified by the scene of such a lovely member of our community."

Locals have been bringing flowers to the scene in respects to the boy, and everyone is giving there respects to the family. ---"

Time had blurred out the rest of the words.

Anxiously you stared down at the piece of paper.

It wasn't right, you were sure you'd met V before. Why were things suddenly different? You'd fallen asleep and then suddenly you awoke somewhere else. Somewhere without your fiancé by your side. Somewhere you were all alone again?

What happened to the RFA?

The confusion suddenly crashed through you again.

"I'm sorry, if this is your V, I..." Rika began, apologetically.

You didn't realise it until you made a sobbing noise, that you were crying.

You weren't sure if it was because you were facing the reality of V's death once more; or if it was because part of you hoped that in this universe, V was still breathing. Rather than the universe where you watched him get shot in front of you.

Yoosung called your named surprisedly, not expecting that reaction, while Rika approached you and rubbed your back.

"I'm sorry I... Didn't think I would get this upset." You rubbed your eyes, trying to wipe away the last of the tears.

"Don't worry... It's okay..." Rika reassured you.

You wanted to go home now, Rika made you a little uncomfortable, Yoosung was weird. You wanted to see your love so badly. You wanted his hugs and warmth more than ever.

Eventually, you took a deep breath a managed to hold back tears.

"Do you want to go back to mine?" Rika suggested, but you shook your head.

"No, I want to go to Jaehee's..."

Rika nodded. Yoosung looked up at you, and thought about it. "I can give you a lift, I have to go back to work now anyway."

"Thank you, Yoosung." Rika answered, smiling in the direction of her cousin while still rubbing your back.

He nodded and let Rika guide you to his car which was parked a little bit down the road.

The memorial had been put up if the same road Rika lived on, on one side was only trees and the other had a few houses. However the area with the memorial was trees on both sides of the busy street, as if people had isolated it. And still, the sky was grey, the whole world was grey.

You sat in the back of the car while the two family members sat in the front with Yoosung driving, he was concentrated on the road.

"Do you know if they ever found out who killed him?" You asked, not being able to hold back questions.

"Hmm, I don't think so, it was pretty big and if they did it would be on the news." Rika thought, "but then again I might not if seen it,"

You looked out the window of Yoosung's car, and watched the memorial fade into the distance. V... The world was so unfair on you...

You wondered how far Rika lived from the city, assuming that was where the coffee shop was, the area she lived seemed like it would be on the edge, but you didn't really know the area too well in the first place.

Luckily, Yoosung had heard of the coffee shop where Jaehee worked, and left the rest up to Google maps. He had no trouble finding it and knowing the quickest route.

"We're here!" Rika turned to smile at you, "you can cheer up now, I'll treat you to a coffee."

You let a small smile reach your lips, was this her magic?

"Aah, but I actually have to go now," Yoosung signed, his dark hair moving as Rika opened the car door. "Mr Han isn't happy as it is."

Rika sadly looked at him, "fine." She obviously doesn't see him often. "Thank you for the lift!"

"No problem," he smiled, as Rika had already escaped the car and you were opening the door.

But before you could get out, Yoosung called you back.

"I feel like I don't need to tell you but...." He began looking down at the wheel, "Rika is fragile... She... Used to do a lot, charity work, but then she just gave up..."

He turned to face you.

"Please, if this is just bullshit, don't mess with Rika, mess with someone else."

You could never remember Yoosung being so strong, and straight forward with his feelings. He wanted to protect Rika, he didn't want her to get hurt but he couldn't physically do it.

"Trust me," you smiled, "I know you can."

And with that you left the car and caught up with the blonde who was impatiently waiting outside the coffee shop. The store was in a plaza like area, a square of pavement surrounded by shops, in the centre at the back was the building you were looking for. The exterior was black, excluding the windows, and in gold letters home. Was written above the door. With the almost setting sun, a shadow was stretched across the plaza and the warming light from the glass welcomed you and Rika in. It wasn't as grey.

At this time, it was pretty quiet, with only a few people scattered across the tables. At the side was a counter surrounded by everything you would affiliate with coffee. And behind it...

You had never seen Jaehee like this before. Her hair was long, slightly wavy, a complete contrast to the professional Jaehee you knew. But it was her.

"That's her right?" Rika whispered to you, causing you to nod in her direction.

Now what? Talk to her? That seemed to be the only thing you could do right now. So, you and Rika approached the counter, causing Jaehee to look up the both of you.

"Welcome, how can I help you?" Polite, like always.

"Actually," you began, "I want to ask you something, Jaehee..."

Count The Days -Mystic Messenger- ON HOLDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant