III. Hurt

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It has already been one year ago that she left to do the show. How time flies.

More recently, I had waited nervously for Lea at the Arrival Hall. Was she angry at me for not keeping to my word? For not meeting her in New York? I seriously hope not. Her stay in New York was a lot shorter than I had expected and before I had even made arrangements to head over, I got a message from her saying that she was coming back.

The LCD screen flashed, "New York to Manila: Landed". Okay, here we go! I wrung my fingers in anxiety, and the minutes felt like hours. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally spotted Lea at the baggage area. There was another guy beside her. He looked Asian - perhaps Chinese? Anyway, they looked really close - somewhat like...

A couple.

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes in disbelief. The guy is still there. It is not an illusion.

"Love is turning me ridiculous, I'm starting to talk to myself," I chided. Lea soon spotted me as they left the gates and entered the arrival hall.

She waved and came over to give me a tight embrace and a light peck on my cheek, while I returned the favour.

"Let me do the introductions. Ken, this is Aga, my best friend and also an actor." He shook my hand.

"Aga, meet Kenneth. He's my boyfriend. I met him while doing the show." She grinned at me, bliss clearly evident in her eyes.

"WHAT! You found yourself a boyfriend and you didn't even let me know earlier? Some kind of a friend you are!"

I couldn't stop myself from blurting out. I was hoping that she wouldn't catch jealousy in my tone. I was hoping that I did not show my disappointment. This was something that my years of acting never once prepared me for. Not the shock. And definitely not the heart break.

"I'm sorry! I tried to call you once, but the line was engaged and I subsequently forgot about it."

My mind was still processing what Lea just told me.

She has a new boyfriend. This guy is good-looking. I'm only her best friend. Lea has a new boyfriend. He is good-looking... I kept repeating these 3 sentences like a mantra.

"C'mon, let's send you both home. You guys must be tired out after that long flight."

It was a feeble attempt at breaking the awkward tension that was rising, mostly due to my dazed state.

I was apparently looking very troubled, because Lea soon asked me, "Hey Ags, are you alright? You look upset."

"I'm alright. I'm just tired. Filming hasn't been exactly kind on me."

I cooked up some lame excuse, and felt even lousier immediately thereafter. What could've been more important than Lea? Definitely not filming. And so why hadn't I just put down my work and fly over to New York when she most wanted me to?

For the first time, I was right that once she's gone, she isn't going to come back. I've never been right when it comes to anything concerning Lea. And how I wish that this wasn't the exception...

That's why I booked the first flight out of Manila, without even telling anyone - not even Lea. To try and stop myself from thinking of her, now that she's someone else's girl. Coming back weeks later and with her receiving me at the airport, I realised that some things don't ever change, and never will.

(End of Flashbacks)

Aga was jolted back to reality when Lea suddenly threw up along the sidewalk.

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