VII. Unconditional

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Hi everyone!

I know I wrote that the previous chapter (VI: Time To Grow) would be the final chapter and the ending of this short story, BUT

/dramatic plot twist/

Lightning has decided to strike twice and as I was engrossed in some other tasks (I obviously wasn't if my mind was drifting to Lea and Aga), I suddenly got some inspiration and VIOLA, got this done in 20 minutes (in it's raw form of course). So as not to deprive those who've read this story and those who've added this to their Reading List (I am eternally grateful), I decided to post it - since it's done anyway, why not?

(YOU GUYS ARE REALLY AWESOME, it's amazing how I still get notifs from this story!)

Enjoy yourselves, and as usual, comment away!

With lots of love,

If he could have it his way, he would still want time to turn back.

It has been years since that awkward, yet endearing dinner date, and the both of them have conveniently shelved that memory to the back of their minds. It wasn't that they didn't remember, they just chose not to recall. It wasn't that they wanted to ignore it; they just chose not to talk about it.

Meeting up, conversation just flows as per normal between them. It was as if that exchange never happened, even though many of the promises were, subconsciously or not, kept.

Well, all except one. The one about the third movie. The one that would have gone through, had he more self-belief that being with her day in and day out, wouldn't have driven him crazy.

The one that they both now avoided, because it reminded them of the dinner that was better forgotten, since bygones are bygones and they have moved on.

Sort of.

Because they can't just do that. Because memories are not easily erased - much less memories that mattered. The fact that it was bittersweet didn't help, and once in a long while, he would find his mind wandering to the part where he shared the kiss with her, and blush. Over the years, he has given himself ample time to grow out of love. To no longer experience the lingering emptiness from just missing her. For the most part, he thought of her less often, though there would be times when she would suddenly appear in his thoughts, and distract him for a bit.

Especially in recent years, these memories tended to find him way more, possibly because talk has suddenly surfaced regarding their third movie, and they now face the inevitable.

Furthermore, it was a promise. A promise is a promise - that is not to be broken, especially one that was sealed with a kiss.

It probably isn't obvious to the public and the fans, but he knew.

He knew when he saw the slightest tensing up of her body whenever asked about their third collaboration. He knew when she tended to shift her weight whenever he mentioned it previously. That's how he knows that she still remembers it, perhaps as vividly as he does.

They don't talk about it, but it's there.

Somewhat a phantom.

Somewhat a ghost of a memory that's always there, but never spoken.

He wondered what could have been different if time turned back. People often say that we make better decisions on hindsight. Could that be true? In fact, would it even be different? Would he still decide to confess, knowing that things were going to turn out this way? Would he have had the audacity to kiss her?

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