IV. Let Go

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Hi all,

Sorry for the hiatus, I met with a writer's block. I hope you enjoyed the music video nevertheless! I'm back with another chapter and I thank everyone for their support for this fanfic. :) I would also like to express my gratitude for the forces behind Team BABES • LeAga, for posting the link to my video on their FB page! I can't even say how glad I am that there are people who liked it.

For all you LeAga fans out there, please do follow them!

Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/teamleaga

Twitter: www.twitter.com/leaga_

Instagram: @teamleaga

And if you guys are up for more LeAga feels, check out www.drabblescentral.tumblr.com! They are FANTASTIC :)

Now, let's move on with the story...


"Aga, what would I do without you?"

Her words played repeatedly in his head for days. He knew that he couldn't do without her, but wait, did she just confess that she couldn't do without him too?

Fast forward to a few days later, they were going to have their little meet-up session tonight, and he was determined to not be late for the first time, ever.

"Wow Aga, you're early today!"

"I've to redeem myself by ridding that tardy reputation, right?"

"Right you are! I can't even count the number of times you were late during filming of our 2 movies. I waited for you 'til my neck was this long." She made an exaggerated gesture.

"Really? I didn't recall meeting a giraffe at work!"

He got a smack on his arm.

"And you still joke about it?" She looked at him, serious.

"Sorry. No more joking. I swear I won't be late any more!" He pleaded.

"I was kidding! But since you swore to it, I'll keep you to that!" She threw her head back, laughing.

"WHAT! You tricked me!"

He poked and tickled her sides until she screamed for surrender. She leaned on him, hands on his chest, trying to catch her breath, while his hands rested on her hips, keeping her steady.

"All that laughing made me really hungry. Shall we go for dinner now?" She said once she got her breath back.

"Of course! I know of this Japanese restaurant down the road that has gotten pretty good reviews. Wanna give it a shot?"

She nodded, and he circled his arm around her waist, pulling her close.

"Let's go!" He bent down to nuzzle the top of her hair, taking in her scent at the same time.

She suddenly froze in her tracks, and stared at him, hard.


"What was that for?"

"What was what for?"

"Why are you doing this to me?"


"I'm not your girlfriend."

"I know."

"You do know this is going nowhere?"

"Lea, I -"

"Spit it."

This was way tougher than he thought. It took a lot of courage and guts - the guts he did not have for the past many years. He took a deep breath.

"- think you're more than a friend. Or a best friend."

She caught on after a brief "deer in headlights" moment.

"You what? You can't be serious, Muhlach."

"I happen to be."

She fell silent.


She remained silent.

Not knowing what to do, he took her hand in his, and she did not pull back or protest. He brought her to the restaurant he was talking about earlier. They ate their dinner in absolute silence, and Aga even had to take her order on her behalf. After his confession, she hasn't spoken a word, and it was worrying him. It wasn't like Lea to remain mute for long.

Between the two of them, she has always been the one initiating conversation. Between them, she was the attentive one - she knew all his likes and dislikes like the back of her hand. With her around, he doesn't have to fuss over the menu.

For the first time, he was doing all the things that she had been doing, and it finally dawned upon him how tiring it must be for her in their relationship.

She was just picking her food, pushing her sashimi round the plate in circles, but not taking a bite of it at all. Then, she completely stopped, and just stared at her plate. Any outsider might have thought that she just lost her appetite, but he knew it wasn't so simple.

He knows that she was thinking, and thinking hard. He knows that her mind was in a turmoil, and she was struggling to find answers to her own heart. He knows that she was thinking of Ken. And he knows that she was thinking of him too.

He desperately wanted to ask her some things that have haunted him for years, but he doesn't know where to start. These were few of the things in his mind that he still does not have any answer to.

Was she ever in love with him?

Was she angry with him for not going to New York?

Was she angry with him for not being there for her?

Was that the reason why Ken came into her sight?

"Aga?" She asked in an almost inaudible whisper.

He caught it though, and looked up.

"What you said... Was that for real?"

"Cross my heart. It is real, and has always been real."

"Has always been? Since...since when?"



"I thought it was Tommy who fell for Sandy."

She fell silent once again.

"Then in came Jerry, and I thought that he fell in love with Agnes."

"But in the end, I figured it wasn't so simple. My two characters were simply smokescreens. It wasn't Sandy or Agnes that mattered. It was you, Lea. I felt how I felt because Sandy and Agnes were you."

"And you didn't breathe a word?"

"I did, Lea." He sucked his breath in deeply, and cast his gaze downwards.

"I actually did." He mumbled, blinking hard so as not to let any tears fall, as the heart-wrenching moment replayed in his mind.

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