VI. Time To Grow

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They parted, breathless.

"I know I am irresistible," Aga teased, finally smiling.

Lea blushed deeply, and her already flushed cheeks (from the kiss) just got another tinge redder.

"Thank you," he pulled her back into his embrace and kissed the top of her head, "thank you for letting me know your answer."

He paused, and swallowed hard as another wave of emotions coursed through him. "I just wanna let you know that, it stands for eternity. My confession, I mean."

"You're with Ken now, and I know that he's a great guy. I won't be the third party in your relationship. I don't want to be labelled a jerk, but more so, I don't want to deprive you of a guy that you can live with for the rest of your life. I don't want to deprive Ken of the chance to love a great girl either."

"No, wait Ags, I-"

"Let me finish, Lea." He interrupted. "Love is never about possession. I won't regret ever loving you. At least I got to spend so much time with you, just having lots of fun. I guess I should not have been such a coward before, and make you mine before anyone else could."

"Aga, please, just shut up, will you?" She pleaded, tears threatening to break loose any minute.

He inhaled sharply.

"No, I need to finish this. You and I know that the kiss we shared was impulsive. To put it simply, it was just a mistake made by the youngsters in us. The youngsters that filmed 2 whole movies together. But we aren't at that same age anymore. I know that you've hit a rough patch now, but Ken loves you, and I know that you love him too, I can't overlook that. I see it in your eyes when you speak about him. But-"

She covered his mouth with her hand. "That's enough. Don't say anymore. Do you know just how damn unfair this is? You're just shooting off like a comet, not even allowing me a word in this whole conversation. Heck, I wouldn't even call it a conversation. It's just you trying to decide everything. For us. And who told you that you have the damn right to?"

He peeled her hand off his mouth and held it tight, covering it with both his hands.

"My dear Lea, there's Ken remember? I'm deciding everything because I know you don't have the heart to. But thanks...thanks for leaving me with the memories. The kiss, especially. And thanks for letting me know that loved me too. That's good enough for me."

He was choked with emotions, and his eyes were getting watery.

" this is goodbye?"

"You're leaving, again?"

"I can't stay." He smiled sadly. "Give me some time. I'll be back for your wedding though, so don't forget my invite."

"What about the movie?"

"Let's postpone it to next time."

"You're not even allowing me an excuse to make you stay."

"I'm determined to leave."

"Is there really nothing here worth for you to stay?"

"It's for the same reason that I'm leaving."

"Don't go, please?"

"I won't be gone for good. I'll be back before you know it! I actually didn't even intend to come back after my previous disappearing act but I thought I owed you an explanation so here I am."

"And I'm supposed to be thankful for that?"

"No, but-"

He was stopped by the feeling of her warm body against his, as they were locked yet again in a tight embrace.

"Just promise me one thing, would you?"

"And what might that be?"

"That you'll be back."

"I promise."

"And that I'll never lose you as a friend? A best friend?"

"I promise."

"And you'll keep in touch?"

"I promise."

"Thanks." She whispered against his chest as he pulled her tiny frame in again for a hug.

"My turn."


"Promise me that you'll go find him and talk to him. Fix what went wrong."

She nodded.

"Could you also promise me something else?"

"Hey! I already promised three when you said one! Even genies only give three wishes!"

"Well, I'm requesting for four. So are you going to give it to me?"

"You win."

"We'll make that third movie. Somehow."


He knows that somehow, he had been changed for life - that he could no longer become the man he was before he met her. She would always be in his heart, and everyone who comes after her would have to tolerate being compared to her in his subconscious mind.

There are many things he hopes he could change, and the first of all, would be to let her know earlier. Way, way, way earlier. He should have told her from the start - give both her and himself a chance. But now he has missed the boat, and on this journey to the far and beyond, you just can't afford to be late.

It's time to grow, he knows. Grow out of the love he has for her, even if it doesn't mean that his love for her will be any less. All he can do now is to keep his feelings hidden, and pray for her - and pray for her happiness.


Edit: I've decided to continue this story so scroll on for more!!

Well, this is the end! Hope you guys have enjoyed it and comments would be very much appreciated. I've quite a few ideas in mind for my next stories and can't wait for the creative juices to start flowing so that I can churn them all out.

If you haven't noticed by now, I've made a few subtle references to the 2 movies they have filmed (credits to the works - their creative teams, producers, directors and various parties that own them: Bakit Labis Kitang Mahal & Sana Maulit Muli), to hopefully give you guys a more visual reference for the story.

I'm sorry I took such a long time with this last chapter, but this last one has really been hard for me as I couldn't get the thoughts coming. Do pardon me if this finale is a bummer, I'll improve the next time around!!

On a side note, I just have a teeny rant to make - there are so many stories about our (my) favourite LeAga tandem right here on Wattpad, but it's such a downer that all of them are in Tagalog, and I don't understand a single word of it!

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