Chapter 1

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I'm editing so things might be a little weird.

I woke up to a bright sunny morning. Actually make that a dark night with the street lights shining in my window(I'm an early riser). I get up and turn on my light.

I look in the mirror. I'm wearing my princess wolf tanktop with my rainbow pants. I quickly put on my save the wolf T-shirt and some jeans. Then I take out my side bun and put in a side ponytail. Then I put on my shoes and I walk upstairs.

"What do you think you think your doing Addie

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"What do you think you think your doing Addie. Coming down here in your PJs." I ask with a hint of annoyance.

"You do know it's a Saturday right?" She asked not even bothering to look at me.

"Ah man!" I say in an exasperated tone. I thought it was friday!

"Mom has a surprise for you outside." Addie said clenching her spoon.

"What is it?" I asked teasingly.

"She told me not to look out side, and let you see it first." I could tell she was keeping her jealousy back.

I walked away hesitantly and went outside. There was nothing there so I walk onto the grass and around the sun porch.

Right there sitting on the grass is the cutest huskie you ever saw. I fall to my knees. The dog runs toward me. Then she stopped abruptly. She looked at me as if she were scanning me. Then she jumped for joy and ran around the yard as if my presence was a miracle.

Finally she stopped at my feet and did a kind of bow. I reached for her, but she whimpered as if I was going to hurt her. I continued my reach and rubbed her head. She started jumping around as if she was blessed by a unicorn.

I stood up and started to walk back to the door. I stopped. What should I name her? What if Addie thinks she gets to name her? I thought.

" What should I name you?"An odd name from a dream I received last week poped in my head. Odessa. I looked at the huskie."Okay then your name will be Odessa."

I made sure Odessa was fallowing me and walked inside.

Addie gasped. Just as I had guessed Addie started getting too carried away.

" What a wonderful huskie! What shall we name her?! Loodla?! Chalme?! Broon no Bean!" Addie had weird ideas for names. I sat down to hug Odesssa.

Odessa made a low growl in her throat." Its Okay I don't like those names any more than you do"I quietly whisper in her hair.

"SCARLET! Scarlet is a perfect name." She exclaimed as she started to grab for Odessa. Odessa snapped her jaws at Addie.

I pushed Odessa away from Addie." Scarlet is NOT a good name for her! I have already named her Odessa."

"I think Odessa is a great name for the dog." Mom had come downstairs.

Addie put on a pouty face."But I like that name."

"Its not your choice to decide. It's your sister's dog."

"REALLY!? Its my dog!?" I went up to mom and gave her a big hug. 

I flopped on the couch and started to text my friend Ava. Odessa jumped up with her massive weight and rolled up next to me.

I snuggled Odessa as I waited for a reply.

"Odessa you can meet Ava!" I said as I read the reply Ava gave me. Odessa jumped up and ran around the house.

I got up." You want to go out side?"

Odessa stopped and twirled around in circles.

Me and Odessa played out side for hours. I looked at my phone to find it was three. The time I was supposed to leave to go to the park and meet up with Ava.

"Okay girl! Wanna go inside?!" I yelled across the yard.

Odessa dropped her stick and trotted over to me where I stood by the door to go inside.

I walked upstairs quite fast so I could go quickly.

I opened the Addie's door. And what met was a pillow to the face.

I stumbled back hitting my head on the storage closet.

"What was that for!" I said trying miserably to control my anger.

Odessa pinned Addie down. Mom walked out of her work room where she worked from home.

"What's going on here! I was just in a call!" Mom yelled.

"Addie hit me with a pillow for reasons unknown!" I glared at Addie.

"Mom how come she gets a dog?!" Addie asked jealously.

"She's responsible and older than you!" Mom exclaimed like she couldn't beleive Addie had asked that.

And I actually understood Addies questionality. It's not like I asked for Odessa ,or did anything special to earn her. But none the less I got the dog so I won't complain.

"Come on Odessa." I said. Odessa looked at me then back at Addie then back at me. She hesitantly walked away like my sister was going to attack again.

I left the house, and went to the park. Ava sat on the swing with her dog Porter.

"Ava!" I said running over to her.

"Hannah!" She exclaimed.

Oh yeah! My name is Hannah! I'm fifteen. My favorite animal is a wolf. Favorite color is blue. I think dreams are really interesting so I remember a lot of them. I try to connect them to my world.

We droped are leashes and hugged each other.


After I finished my story about how I got Odessa and how I had thought it was Friday.

"Hannah guess what?!" Ava asked.

When Ava gets excited she has something to get excited about. Ava has blonde hair, blue eyes, and glasses. She's really creative and artsy. I also have this talent for art.

"What?" I asked.

"My parents gathered there money and bought me a Horse!" She said excitedly.

"Really!? I jumped and squeeled. I was so happy for her.

Odessa stopped ubruptly. We were just about to cross the bridge." What is it girl?"

I felt my self go disey. I slumped to the gound.

"Hannah are you okay..." Ava slumped beside me.

"Ava..." I wispered as I fell to the ground my face hitting the ground hard.

I was a little releived to see Porter run off barking to go get help, but Odessa stood their with a knowing face as if she wanted me to fall. As if she knew I would fall.

Mist surounded me and turned dark.

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