Chapter 15

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We were running.

Go to your room and grab your wolf necklace.


I put a burst of speed in my run. I lunged for my box. I noticed my friends grabbed for their things to. I also noticed Odessa had transformed to her Wolfie self.

An ice sleigh was connected to middle. Get in!

I didn't have to think twice. I lept in. So did my friends. I was surrounded in glitter. I realized they must have transformed. Then I felt a jolt. The sleigh was moving. I sat up and looked around. Odessa was pulling it pretty fast but I could tell it wasn't fast enough.

Anything I could help with?!

Yeah think about wolves.


Just do it!

I concentrated on all I knew about wolves and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes I had paws and every thing seemed really loud. I jumped down by Odessa. Ice rapped itself around my middle. I took off.

The Wolf in the MistWhere stories live. Discover now