Chapter 57

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Time skip!

I was brushing my hair. My golden hair resting on my shoulders. I was thinking of my adopter parents and how they must worry about me. It's been a month since we arrived in Mythisches Leben.

I looked in the mirror. A little scar ran down my face. It has been getting worse. Well I guess you can't see it is getting worse , but it feels that way. It hurts all the time. Particularly when Cole whispers in my ear. Little things that just bug me. I wish I had my phone. Then I wondered why I didn't have it.

Odessa why did you have me get that necklace?

It's a magic item. You haven't figured what it was yet?!

Well it seemed compelling ,but not magical. What does it do?

It strengthens your powers. Each magic item has a special detail. It's kind of like a birth Stone. A wolf's is a black jem. Lion is a white jem. Horse is gold. Elephant is silver. Deer is coral. Rabbits are red thorns. Sounds odd ,but is real.


I went back to brushing my hair. Then I stood up and climbed into bed. I took out my book out from underneath my pillow and started to read.

It said if you are a ruler of a country you'll have three powers.

Odessa what do you think my third power is?

Her fur twitched. I don't know.


Thinking I read enough tonight I went to sleep.

A.N. the picture is of Harly Quinn. I drew it my self!😀😀😀😀😀😀😁😁

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